What I Want-Pt. 2

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         You threw your hair up in a towel as your friend yelled into your bedroom, "Who's Bill S. With a heart symbol?" You shot your head out the door, "What are you talking about?" You could see her (f/h/c) disappear as she headed back into the kitchen. You walked carefully across the floor as not to slip, "Hello?" She laughed and held up your phone, "They just texted you. I didn't get to see what it said though, darn it."  You creased your eyebrows and tilted your head as you took it from her. Hesitantly you placed your thumb on the home button for it to open up. There on the screen was a text from Bill.

               Bill-"Good morning, (Y/N). Did you make it home okay?"

         You grasped the phone to your chest and ran back to the room. (F/N) hollered at you, "Everything okay?" You were in to much of a happy panic attack to answer as you looked once again down at the text. You whispered out loud, "I totally forgot I gave him my number..." You smiled, licking your lips and tossed your phone on the bed to get dressed for work.

         Thirty something minutes later, you were dressed in scrubs and ready to go. Picking up your phone, the message that you wanted to send already planned.

            (Y/N) :)- " Good morning :) Hope I didn't wake you when I left...and yes I did!"

          You sighed and placed it in the lower pocket of your top. The hallway of your two bedroom apartment was crowded with both your items and (f/n)'s. Tossing things left and right you finally found your shoes and put them on, "I'm off to work! See you later." You waved before heading out the door and down the staircase.

           Work wasn't that far away, so you always preferred to walk. Although crowded most of the time, you didn't mind. Infact the reason you had chosen the path you took was due to the wonderful coffee shop on the next corner. As you approached, you felt your pocket vibrate and took it out to look.

              Bill S.<3 - "No, you didn't. I would have made us breakfast, if you had though. I make a great omelet."

        You smiled, forgetting to stop at the coffee shop and continued on to work.

             (Y/N) :)- "oh, you do? I think a
guy that can cook is sexy ;)"

         A few seconds passed before your phone went off again.

           Bill S.<3- "I do actually...maybe next time I'll cook instead of us going out."

       You gulped as you reread it over and over. Did he really want to go out again? Or was he just playfully bantering....

           (Y/N) :)- "That would be amazing."

      As you entered the building he responded.

            Bill S. <3- "The breakfast, or going on a date with me?"

       Immediately, you giggled at how cute and forward he was being. Unable to control yourself at the moment you replied.

               (Y/N) :)- BOTH, of course! lol

    You replaced your phone into it's proper pocket and then entered elderly home where you worked. Ashley a secretary at the front desk wished you good morning as you passed. You returned it with a quick wave. The halls were crowded with people having come to visit their family members.

     You grabbed your files for the day and looked at the first one, " Mrs. Louise Whitefeather." You smiled, she was one of the ladies you really enjoyed checking on. Soon you found yourself at her door and knocked. Her voice drifted softly toward the door, "Come in."

       Slowly you opened the door and  entered her space, "Good morning, Louise. How are you doing today?" She smiled over at you from her easy chair, "I'm doing alright today. A bit gasy but I'm okay." You smirked slightly as you approached, "A bit gasy...have you been sneaking extra helpings of cabbage at dinner time?" She laughed sheepishly, "You know I can't help but ask for more. I love me some cabbage."

       You laughed, "I know, let's just try to limit it to once a week, okay?" She nodded, "I'll try, (Y/N). I'll try." You couldn't help but laugh, "Good. Now I'm just going to use my stethescope to hear your breathing. First, I'm going to place it on the front part of your chest." She nodded at your procedure, having done it quite often. You listened through the back, "Sounds like you've gotten rid of all that nasty phlem. That's good!" You proceeded to take her temperature, weight and ask her about what all she's done physically the past week.

       "Everything looks good. I'm going to have them increase your fiber intake since you've had trouble with going to the bathroom," You said as you wrote it down. Your phone went off and you looked; it was Bill.

           Bill S.<3- How about tomorrow evening?

        You felt the smile spread across your face and she laughed knowingly, "Got a fish on the line, don't you. Best reel him in sweetie, don't want him getting away." You smirked at her, blushing slightly, "Thanks, Louise. I'll take that to heart." You walked to the door, speaking over your shoulder, "I'll see you next week!" She nodded and waved as you left. You looked down at your phone gulping...might as well.

                 (Y/N) :)- Sounds good to me :)

      You made your way down the hall back to another clients room. Your phone vibrating in your hand.

                Bill S. <3- Can't wait! ;)

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