Beam vs KhunYing

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Beam asked Forth to meet him and they meet at the nearby restaurant area Beam's hotel. He want to ask Forth whether did he really have chance or not? After the waiter take their order and left them at the table, Beam asked Forth " Forth, can I asked you something?" Forth replied it with a nod while his eyes still on the phone screen. Beam take a deep breath " Please answer this after thinking carefully" and Forth replied with another nod. Beam take a deep breath again before saying " Do I really have a chance to open your heart again Forth?". Forth stop playing his phone and look up his eyes to meet Beam's eyes. Beam looks like he is try hard to stop his tears from falling while he wait for Forth answer. It's been awhile after they eat their food and both of them didn't have an appetite to eat. Beam is afraid of Forth's answer meanwhile Forth don't know what answer should he give because he is in a blank minded himself. Beam blow Forth with another question " Forth, please be honest to me. Do you have someone else?" and Forth looks hesitate to say no. Forth's gesture give answer for Beam's question and Beam knows that means the answer is yes in a silent way.

Beam doesn't mind to give his Forth to someone that Forth love. Beam asked Forth did that guy makes him happy " Forth, did that person makes you happy?" and without knowing Forth is smiling when he thought about Khun Ying. Later Forth realise that Beam is still in front of him and Forth feel guilty and want to deny but Beam words cut Forth " You don't have to deny Forth. Your gesture, expression and your smile give me all the answer for my question". Beam just give Forth a bitter smile and offered a handshakes then Beam said " Goodbye Forth.. looks like I'm not the only key for your heart after all". Forth become speechless, he want to say sorry but he can't. He want to say 'Don't go' but he can't and the most thing he feel miserable is he didn't feel sad when Beam saying goodbye to him. Instead, Forth received the handshake and nodded. Beam gives Forth a deep kiss and said " Please remember that I will always love you and always by your side no matter what happened" before he left Forth behind dumbfounded. Beam left France and returned back to Bangkok to start his internship at their family's hospital right after he arrived Thailand because Beam want to forget his sadness and his heartbroken.

Forth don't know what to do so he called MaxTul to meet up and told them about what happened to him and Beam just now. MaxTul just sighed because they feels lost as well. MaxTul never thought someone else can makes Forth's heart fluttered except Beam but looks like they're wrong. Forth going home with a heavy heart, lie down on his bed and sighing. Suddenly, he got a chat from Khun Ying and that's makes him smile without a reason. He even forgot about what happened between him and Beam when Khun Ying send him a picture. Forth encourage himself to start a conversation with Khun Ying .

 Forth encourage himself to start a conversation with Khun Ying

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Forth : Hey there stalker.. 😉

KhunYing : Hey KhunLuang.. never thought you will text me first.. 😘

Forth : Haha.. well,, you makes me curious about you..

KhunYing : Ouhh.. haha.. then I guess you should kept curious till the end

KhunYing : coz I didn't have an intention to tell you.. :P

Forth : Hurm... so sad.. I wish we can meet up..

KhunYing : Haha.. we will KhunLuang..

KhunYing : when the times have come.. we will meet..

Forth : Then at least tell me your name pleaseeeeeeeeee...

Forth : I save your name KhunYing because I don't know your name..

KhunYing : Khun Ying?? Not bad huh KhunLuang..

KhunYing : you don't need to know my name KhunLuang.. just called me KhunYing..

KhunYing : I like that name by the way.. I thought you will save my name as crazy bastard or even worse..

Forth : Well.. my friend said you looks cute and kind so I don't think you are a bad person..

Forth : you called me KhunLuang so I guess you are KhunYing.. huhu..

KhunYing : Huhu.. I'm sleepy already KhunLuang.. goodnight 😘😍

Forth : Goodnight KhunYing.. hope we meet in our dreams😉

Forth feels relax than before and he just hope what he is doing right now is a right thing. Forth smile after he re-read his chat with KhunYing before off to the dreamland.

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