Chapter 1

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 This book has not been edited at all and it will be awhile before it is. I have other things that come first in my life.

Monday morning unfolded with mom barging into the room sounding like a nuke going off. The babies were crying, the little ones were yelling, and the house was as loud as a tornado siren. The lights were flipped on unceremoniously as my twin five year old siblings came running in and jumped on the bed. I pulled the pillow over my head and roared like a lion as I flipped the twin devils off of me and onto the floor before diving out of bed and tickling them as punishment for jumping on my bed yet again. As the twin devils laughed and screamed for me to stop I glanced up, seeing for the first time this morning my dad standing in the doorway still tubing the sleep from his eyes. He can sleep like a log sometimes but with all the noise in the house he was awake. All he did was smile sleepily at me before trudging off in the direction of the kitchen most likely on the hunt for coffee.

Oh yeah I just remembered that you don't know who I am! Let me start this again. Hi my name is Payton and I am 17 years old a senior in high school. Today's the first day at a new school my dad got transferred to a new location so my family witch is me (I'm the oldest)  then there's my 13 year old brother David he's going into 7th grade, then there's my other brother who's only 15 weeks younger then David his name is Allen he's adopted he's also going into 7th grade, then we also adopted Allen's little sister Leia she's 10 and going into 4th grade, then we have the twin devils Richard and Wesley who are in kindergarten, and then we just adopted triplets who are Allie, Sadie, and Maggie there only 10 months old, had to move 3 states away from all of our friends but we will do anything for our family. Luckily we moved during the summer so I at least have some time to find some friends. I shooed the twins out of my room and went into my walk in closet and pulled on my work out clothes before heading down into the kitchen and saying "Hey mom dad I'm going to go for a run." My mom said "ok sweetheart make sure you have phone and ID just in case!" I said "yeah I have it bye"! Then jogged out the front door and onto the road. I love to run it is one of my stress revelers. All of the sudden I'm on the ground looking up into the face of my brother David he said "Payton I called your name over 50 times I want to come with you!" I chuckled and said "fine then little bro get off me and we will start off." He jumped off my and held out his hand to help me up then said " let's go!" I nodded and we took off running side by side down the side of the road. I glanced over at him to see his eyes turning slightly black. I reached out and grabbed his arm he stopped and said "what!" I could tell that he was getting upset I said "David! It's time we have to get to some woods fast!" He gasped and grabbed my hand we turned and ran back to the house we burst through the door and made Allen who was sitting on the couch jump. I said "where's mom and dad?" He said "they said something about errands and left a few minutes after you did." I turned to David and said "go get in my car I will be there in a second." He nodded and hurried to my room to grab my car keys I pulled out my phone and called my moms cell. She didn't answer so I left a message "Mom it's time I'm taking David to the woods we don't have much time left I will see you when we get back." Then hung up before hurrying to my car I grabbed the emergency bag from the back of my closet that had spare cloths for both me and David and ran down the stairs and out the front door after telling Allen to keep an eye on Leia. I ran to the car dived into the open door pulled it shut and started the car. David said "Payton he wants out now! Hurry I'm trying to hold him back" pulling out of the driveway I sped in the direction of the cabin. I reached over and placed my hand on David's head and thought calm down buddy you can come out soon just wait till we are somewhere safe!" I heard thoughts in my head "my names not buddy it's Jack and fine just hurry I have been cooped up in this body for 13 years and I want out!" I thought "fine Jack just wait till we get somewhere safe. Please!" Then removed my hand from his head. David said "Payton what did you say to him my head isn't hurting anymore."I said "I just asked him nicely to wait till we were somewhere safe." Right then my cell phone started ringing and I pulled it out and answered "hello?" I heard my mom's voice on the other end say "Payton where are you?" I said "um somewhere in the woods." My dad's voice came next and said "Payton I need you to stay calm and just try to help him ok." I said "ok dad I gotta go ok we have to get him done as soon as we can." My dad said "ok baby girl I love you." I said "love you to dad" then the line went dead and I pulled off the road and into the trees hiding the car before shutting the car off. I got out of the car and right before the door shut I heard David scream I used my werewolf speed and ran around to the passenger side of the car and pulled the door open I then used my wolf strength and picked David up into my arms and ran deeper into the woods till I found a clearing.   Setting him down I said "David let him go." I watched as his eyes turned black and then I heard the snaps of his bones and shifted into my own wolf and started licking his face and neck then I heard the snap of a tree branch behind me and flipped around only to here my dad's voice in my head say "It's just me Payton." I turned back around and kept licking David's face my dad came up and licked my neck then nuzzled neck then he screamed in pain and it heard the snapping of his bones then he stood up in wolf form I barked at him and thought "can you hear me David?" I heard "yeah I can." I thought "good you feeling ok?" He answered "yeah" I mind linked my dad and said "I will be back going to go grab the spare cloths." He nodded at me and said "be carful I ran into humans on my way here." I nodded and ran off in the direction of the car. When I got to the car I got as close to it as I could shifted back into human form and opened the car door grabbed the bag then closed the door again I shifted back into my wolf who is gray and white and picked the bag back up in my mouth and ran back to the clearing I stepped back into the clearing and dropped the bag behind a tree and shifted putting on the cloths for me and stepped out and said "here and dropped the bag my dad mind linked me and said "I didn't bring any spare cloths so I'm going to head I said "no I can drive you just stay in wolf form you can ride in the back." He nodded and I said "David just think about being human again and you will change back" he nodded and I watched as he changed and grabbed the basketball shorts from the bag and slipped them on I hugged him and said "you did really good bro." He hugged me back then let dad like his cheek and together we walked back to the car I said "David your going to sit in the back seat with dad so that if we need to hide him we can put him in the trunk ok?" He nodded and opened the back door letting dad jump in before sliding in next to him. I climbed into the drivers seat and started the car driving out onto the road and heading home. About halfway home I saw a cop pull out behind us and said "David let dad into the trunk ok." He nodded and opened the back seat and dad went in David closed the door and I saw the lights flash on the cop car and so I pulled over and waited when the cop walked up I rolled down the window and said "can I help you?" He said "License and registration please I handed them to him then he said something that surprised me "I know what you are." I said "were just passing through sir." He sniffed the air and said "I also know that there is one more of you hiding in the trunk." I said "my father sir  my brother here just shifted and my dad forgot to being spare cloths so to be safe we hid him in the trunk." The cop said "let him out" I looked back at David who did as told and opened the door in the seat so my dad could come out. My dad mind linked me and said "Payton that is the beta of the whither moon pack the second strongest pack int the country!" I gasped and said "oh my gosh I am so sorry sir I didn't  realize you were a beta." He smiled softly at me and said "that's totally alright where you headed?" I said "Kenton sir." He said "oh your still in our pack boundaries." My dad barked and mind linked me saying "tell him we talked to the alpha earlier." I said "my dad just told me that my parents talked to the alpha earlier this morning."  The beta's face broke into a smile and he said "Oh I remember now I was there your good to go."  I nodded and said "ok it really good to meet you beta." Then rolled up the window and put the car back in drive. David said "what does beta mean?" I said "the beta is the second in command in a pack he takes charge if something happens to the alpha or if the alpha has to go somewhere." He nodded as dad laid his head in David's lap. David started mindlessly stroking dad's head then I heard "Oh oh oh scratch the ear the freaking ear!" In my head I said "David did you hear that?" He said "no hear what?" I chuckled and said "dad wants you to scratch his ear." David smiled as dad barked signaling that was true while mind linking me "he has his wall up still in human form so he can't hear me only you can." I chuckled softly as I said "David were coming I to town let dad back into the trunk." David nodded before opening the door and letting dad go in before closing it.  I pulled into the driveway and mind linked mom "were home bring out some extra cloths for dad he forgot again." I heard a laugh in my head then "ok sweetie let him out of the trunk and I will be there with a robe for him to wear." I said "David let him out then were going to get out and head in side." David nodded and let dad from the trunk and then got out and headed in side I said "mom's on her way out just stay down ok dad." He leaned forward and licked my neck once before laying down on the back seat. I opened the door sliding out and closing the door. Walking up to the front door it opened right as I reached out to grab the handle. I laughed as I saw my mom she said "could you go take the twins down to the park to let some energy out?" I said "I guess" as I stepped in the house and called "Richard, Wesley come here for a moment!" I heard to "Ok's" from different sides of the house. Once they both got here I said "come on guys were going to the park lets go!" They gasped and ran out the door I yelled "wait for me boys or I'm not going to take you!" And then heard my mom say " Richard, Wesley you go sit on the front steps and wait for your sister or your going to be not very happy campers." I chuckled and walked up the stairs and into my room I changed into a pair of jean shorts and a tee-shirt the color of my wolfs fur a light gray with darker and lighter patches. Then a pair of flip flops and just in case grabbed a bag and suck some basket ball shorts and sports bra to put on if needed. I was walking out of my room when David came out of his dressed in basket ball shorts and a white tee-shirt. He looked at the bag I was carrying and asked "where are you going?" I said "mom asked me to take the twins to the park so I brought spare cloths in case." He nodded and said "ok see you." I chuckled and mused with his hair while my hand was on his head I thought "you need to learn to put your wall down so we can talk to you about wolf stuff with out anyone else hearing." He gasped the I felt the wall fall and removed my hand from his head and gave he a smile and whispered you'll get used to it little bro." Then turned and walked down the stairs and out on to the front porch and said "let's go guys!" The twins jumped up and started running in the opposite direction to the park I used my wolf speed and caught up with them wrapping my arms around there middles and stopping. They groaned I said "hey you guys wanted to goto the park right?" They both said "Yes!" I chuckled kissed the top of their heads before saying well you would get there faster if you were going in the right direction." Before turning around and letting them go. They took off running in the right direction I heard "laugher from inside my head and just thought "yup!" And started to jog after the twins. I was about 20 yards behind them when I saw a creepy man reach out from an alley they were walking past and pull Wesley into the alley I heard the scream then used my wolf speed and got to the alley and said "let go of my brother you freak!" I felt Richard cower behind my legs he was holding onto me so I thought "take the bag." To him he reached up and took the bag from my hand I said "you have one more chance to give me back my younger brother or I will hurt you." The guy cackled "do your best girly" as 5 other men stepped out from the shadows. I could tell that they were all human and said "you give me my little brother and I won't kill you." The guy said "like you can kill eleven grown men on your own." Oh he was so going to get it now I could feel my wolf Lizzie pushing herself out witch meant my eyes were changing from their normal sky blue to a pricing gold.  I said "you have one more chance give me back my brother and no one gets hurt!" The guy just chuckled and the pushed me over the edge Lizzie was fully in control and I just let go shifting into my wolf glad that I was wearing this shirt because it is the only thing that doesn't get destroyed when shifting. The guy jumped and back as I dove at him I heard a growl behind me so I turned the wolf who was there barked and I felt the power behind the sound and because Lizzie bowed down. I took power and moved forward and nuzzled Richard so he could hear my mind link I thought "hand me the basket ball shorts from my bag." He nodded and dug into the back and pulled out the shorts and held them out to my I licked his cheek once before grabbing the shorts in my mouth before walking deeper into the alleyway and shifting and pulling on the basket ball shorts and walking back out to see that the wolf had shifted and it was the beta. I bowed my head and said "Beta." He said "what were you doing?" I said "I was taking my little brothers to the park and they had run ahead of me and I watched as that man pulled one into the ally I came in and tried to reason but he wasn't hearing it and my wolf took over." I felt two pairs of arms wrap around my legs and I looked down and saw both of my little brothers holding to my legs I crouched down and picked them both up. I said "beta these men are sick people and deserve to be hurt. I couldn't control her my wolf is very protective of all 8 of my younger siblings!" He smiled softly and said "it's ok Payton it ok how about you run along and I will take care of these guys." I nodded and walked out of the alley and said "you guys still want to goto the park?" They both nodded so I set them down and said "one condition I will continue to take you to the park but you have to hold onto my hands the whole time." They both gripped on to my hands and we continued walking. I heard my dad's voice in my head saying "Payton where are you?" I stopped and said "we got hold up on the way to the park some guy pulled Wesley into an alley. Lizzie took over and then the beta took over why?" My dad said "Payton use your speed and strength to get the boys home now the Alpha and and Beta are on there way over right now!" I gasped and said "ok be there soon." I crouched down and whispered "sorry boys we have to get home you know the drill." They both wrapped there arms around my neck and legs around my waist then I wrapped my arms around there backs and started running back in the direction

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