Falling at SixFlags

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As soon as we got out the car Tyler Adam Jerome Ryan Mitch and I gave the lady our season passes and went straight to DC and on superman it was Tyler Adam and I up front with the rest of the boys right behind us "POWER MOVES ONLY!!!!!" Jerome Ryan and Mitch yelled as the man pressed the button.as soon as we went up we flew right down Adam and Tyler screaming like goats and Mitch and I laughing we went down and the cart stopped. We got off the cart and walked towards Full Throttle when I bumped into a girl She was beautiful she had brown hair with blond tips , she had hazel eyes likee me and my weakness.... Dimples."uh... Hi" she said awkwardly "h-hi I'm Aiden " I replied I'm"Sofia but my friends call me sofie or sofe " she replied she was perfect she had shorts on blue high tops a Canadian flag shirt and a black beanie with her hair curled I thought I was in love , no I can't feel this way I just met her and I already like her?I don't know how I feel

Sophie's POV
He was perfect his shirt and cardigan outlined his perfect toned body we were staring at eachother is that awkward my friends were looking at his we were all staring at eachother I knew that all of my friends liked edleast one of them but he was ... wow he was taller then me edleast 5 inches taller he was my age I found out that he and his brother lived in Montreal too. "Here's my number " he said writing it on my palm I was gonna call him but right now I wanted him to be mine.

Aidens POV
I had asked her and her friends to join us on our epic adventure around the park she blushed and her and her friends agreed.we got onto Full Throttle and sat in the front cart our entire group filled the carts each one with another person so it was Mitch and her friend and the same with the rest of the boys we started talking when I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes we held hands but occasionally stopped to put our hands up when I looked back all my friends were holding on to another girls go hand we all had made girlfriends . I knew it .... I was in love

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