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  "Crap I messed up again."

"Just try one my time sweetie."

"But Grandma we've been doing this forever and nothing has happened yet."

"But nothing Charlie this is very important. This spell could be the difference between life and death..." I rolled while listening to my grams went on another one of her rants. In case you're wondering, yes I'm a witch. I've gone my whole life learning how to do spells and fight. You see in my world witches are considered low-class garbage. We live in constant fear of enslavement by the so called super race. Also know as werewolves. But in my small hidden village, my family is well respected among everyone because we fight back. Generations after generation of Johnson's have dedicated their lives to killing werewolves. The King of the werewolf's, Adam Evergreen,has a price around my whole family's heads. Especially mines. Now you might be,"wondering why would anyone want to kill sweet little Charlie?" Not because I've personally pushed his buttons, actually never met the guy, it's because before he killed my parents my mom was only able to have one child. Although they wished for a boy, they got me instead. So since I was 8 I have been trained by my Uncle Max and my Grandma Betty. They have dedicated my whole life so that when King Adam and his army come to take our land I will be the one to stop him.

"Charlie...Charlie! Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes Grandma I'm listening you don't have to yell."

"Don't you catch a tone with me young lady I have worked too hard and too long to..." Here she goes again. I better hurry and fix this spell so I can go to my training with Max. My Uncle and I are the same age so I don't actually call him Uncle he's more like a brother. Sometimes he tries to act like my dad because he's a month older than me and over protective. It's his fault none of the guys around here talk to me which I'm partially grateful for because I need to stay focus and besides I can get a boyfriend after I kill the King.

"Okay Grandma can I practice this spell again?"

..........One Hour Later..............

THANK GOD THAT'S OVER! I love my Grams but sometimes she drives me absolutely nuts. I walk to the back yard to meet Max but I stop when I hear a twig snap. I quickly get into my defense mode and pull my knife out of my combat boots. I scan the area to see if anyone is around. I feel a leaf fall on my shoulder so I look up and see Max in the tree with a stupid grin on his face. "Aha very funny Max. Can you come down so we can get started?"

"Nope. I want you to come up here so I can show you what we'll be doing today."

Ugh I hate him. I put my knife back in my boot then sprint towards the tree that's next to his. I quickly jump and put one of my feet on the tree then kick off, front flip in the air, and land right next to Max on the thick branch he's sitting on. "Uh they grow up so fast." he wipes away a fake tear and continues to smile knowing he's aggravating me.

"Whatever. Anyway what are we working on today?"

"Today we're working on survival. Although it's good to know how to defeat your opponent you also have to know how to survive extreme conditions. For example what if you have to escape an army that you're too weak to fight off and need to sleep in a tree? How would you do that?"

"Do a masking spell to cover my sent and get in the tree I guess."

"Yes but no it's actually much more complicated than that. Yes you do have to complete the masking spell but you have to think about it like this. Those dogs are master trackers so you won't just have to mask you sent but you need to cover your tracks and link yourself to the tree so that they can't hear your heartbeat and breathing."

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