Danger In The Streets

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It was a normal day in Las Angeles, a widowed father of two children just recently moved to this new neighborhood after the children's mother had passed away. Staying in the same place were she died didn't feel right to them so they decided to move.

Lee, the widowed father doesn't talk much about his wife's death. It was to sensitive of a subject to bring up if anybody asked about her. But here is the story of how it happened...

An intruder snuck in a window and saw Emily, Lee's wife in the bathroom through a cracked door, watching her undress before getting into the shower. Before Emily stepped into the shower, she felt someone watching her and so she turned around and saw the man staring at her with this sadistic grin. Her screaming woke up Her husband up, but by the time he got there, it had been already to late. The intruder had  stabbed her 50 times before slitting her throat. The intruder then stabbed Lee in his stomach when Lee was trying to get to his wife. The intruder stabbed Lee again, throwing him to the ground, pinning him so he couldn't move then dug his knife deep in Lee's belly again, and again.

One of Lee's children, the oldest, Joseph heard the commotion and went to go investigate. Upon witnessing his father being stabbed, the intruder saw the boy and started to go after him but Lee, with the strength he had left grabbed the man's ankle, giving his son some time to run and get help. Joseph ran for the phone and straight into the closest room which was his sisters room. He locked it and upon doing that, he dialed 911. "Bubba, what's going on?" She said sleepily. "911 what is your emergency?" Asked the operator. "Hello, 911? my dad, it's my dad, He's getting hurt. He needs help!" said Joseph frantically. "I saw someone hurting my dad" said Joseph wiping tears from his cheeks.  "Slow down son, what's your name?" Asked the operated, and Joseph said his name."Okay Joseph, I want you to tell me, is there anybody else in the house besides you and your father?" Asked The operator. "Yes, my mom, and my little sister, but there's this guy hurting my dad, please can you send help?" Asked Joseph. "I'm sending help right now Joseph." Said the operator. "Okay, please have them hurry." said Joseph. Seconds later a banging sound was heard. The children screamed when they heard the man's voice yelling through the door, and even the Operator heard the banging and yelling. " OPEN The FUCKING DOOR!" Yelled the man. "Please! Hurry!" Joseph said crying hysterically. "They're almost there, Joseph." Said the Operator. "Open the fucking door!!!" Yelled the intruder. Abigail, Joseph's little sister screamed hearing the man's voice. "Daddy!!" She cried. "Mommy!!" Joseph went to his sister to calm her down. "Your mommy can't help you anymore" said the Intruder in a creepy growly voice. "Dad!" Joseph cried out.

"Open the Fucking door!!" Yelled the intruder. Lee heard his children screaming behind that door, and felt so helpless. He was unable to do anything. He tried getting up, but he had no more strength left. Minuted later, the front door bursts open and Officers flooded the house. The intruder heard them coming in and started to run,  but was stopped by guns being pointed in his face.  A couple of seconds later, they brought the man to the cruiser to be transported to the police station. After that, the officers retrieved Emily's body first, then put Lee onto a stretcher to be transported to the emergency room. Joseph and Abigail will have to stay at the police department for the time being until they can contact a family member.

The police department called up one of the closest relatives to Joseph and Abigail who lives in that area of Los Angeles, a young man by the name of Nathan Sharp.

Nate was in the middle of recording for a music video when he got the call. "One sec guys" He said taking out his phone. The band members sighed in annoyance. "Come on Nate, your supposed to have your phone turned off during practice." Said a band member. "Just one sec guys, okay? It won't take that long." Said Nate. Nate took out his phone and unlocked it. He didn't recognize the number but answered anyway. "Hello?" Nate answered. "Yes, this is L.A.P.D calling, are you Nathan Sharp? The brother of Emily Wong?" Asked the operator. "Yes, what's going on? Did something happen?" Nate asked. "I'm sorry to inform you that..."

When told the news about his sister, he dropped his phone on the ground and felt his heart jump in his throat. Tears started to swell in his eyes but held hem back, because he didn't want his friends to see him cry. He told everyone that they can go home early, when they asked why Nate ignored them and said that he had to go some where.

  Getting in his car, Nate left to go to the police department where they were holding the kids for the time being. 30 minutes later, Nate pulls up to the Police Department and enters the building. He sees the kids sitting at a desk looking scared and nervous. Then he sees Joseph put his hands over his ears not wanting to hear anymore questions from that officer sitting at that desk in front of him.

Nate walked up to the kids and the officer and laid a comforting hand on Joseph's shoulder. Joseph looked up and saw his Uncle. "Uncle Nate?" Joseph said looking up at him. Nate looked down at Joseph and winked. "Can I help you sir?" Asked the officer standing up trying to be intimidating. But Nate didn't scare easy. "My name is Nathan Sharp, I'm their uncle." Said Nate outstretching his hand to shake the Officers hand. The officer shook Nate's hand and told Nate to have a seat. The officer debriefed Nate upon the situation.  "So where's the perp now?" Nate asked slowly, evil sounding. "He's in custody. Being interrogated. But he's not answering our questions." Said the officer. "That's because your cops. He's not going to answer to a bunch of cops, you don't intimidate him." Nate said. "Let me go in there, I'll make him talk." The officer agreed and talked to the chief about it. She agreed as well.

Nate stood up, strengthened himself, and told Joseph and Abigail that he'll be right back. Joseph an Abigail watched their uncle go into the interrogation room, and closed he door behind him.

Inside the interrogation room, Nate stood there for a second, then adjusted himself. The man sitting at the table saw Nate. "Your not my Lawyer." He said. "No, I'm not" said Nate sitting down and looking straight into the man's eyes. "Then who the fuck are you?" Asked the man. Nate grinned slightly at the man then leaned forward, sill looking in the man's eyes, he said in a low but uneasy voice, "I'm the girl's brother. You know, the girl you just killed. And, I'm your worst nightmare." Nate said threateningly. The man leaned back slightly and started laughing. That ticked Nate off. Nate stood slowly, and went to the security camera and yanked out the chord from the wall and sat back down, then he began his own way of interrogation. "Why?" He asked the man. "Why what?" The man asked. Nate stood, walked over to the man picked him up off his chair, while being chained to the desk... Nate broke off the chains and threw the man across the room saying "Why'd you kill her?" "Why'd you kill my sister huh? What she ever do to you?" Nate started walking towards the man who was laying on the floor. "I...Somebody else did it! I was just the pawn!!" The man finally confessed.

Some of the officers in the hallway behind the mirror were stunned. "Who? Who told you to kill my sister?" Nate asked picking the man up by his collar with his fists. "I... I don't know his name, but all he told me was to kill the mother and injure the father." Said the man. "Why? What grudge does he have against my Brother in-law?" The man started stuttering when he saw Nate's eyes become black with anger and hate. "I.. I don't know. But you might have to ask him. Your brother in-law he may know who it is. Las Angeles isn't his first home. He was living somewhere else before they moved here. My boss told me to follow him to his new house." Nate was furious now. Even though he didn't show it. "And what about the kids? Were you trying to kill them as well?" Nate asked. He man didn't answer that question. "WERE YOU?!" Nate bellowed. "No! I was trying to kidnap them for ransom. For my boss. He wanted to keep them until he got his money." Said the man. "So, this has something to do with money? And possibly blackmail." Nate thought out loud. Nate glared at the man. "So what will happen, if your boss figured out that you didn't finish the job?" Nate asked. The man's face turned pale. "He.. He will finish it himself. Kidnap the kids until he gets what he wants." Said he man with a trembling voice. Nate nodded his head. "And I he didn't get what he wanted? What will happen to the kids?" Asked Nate. "What would he do?" "He'll kill them." Said the man. Nate's stomach turned when hearing that. He's got to protect the kids, and including Lee. He needs a plan. "Is there any way to protect my family?" Nate asked. The man thought and thought. He thought of nothing to keep them safe. "What if they moved again?" Asked Nate. "That'll do you no good. My boss has eyes everywhere. He'll track you down like a drug dog would when sniffing out drugs." Nate sighed heavily. "So in any case, My family is fucked." Said Nate. The man nodded. "You need to talk to your Brother in-law. He might have a better perspective of who you might be dealing with." Said the man. Nate stood up turning as to leave, said, "Thanks, but your still going to die for killing my sister, have fun in prison."

When Nate exited the interrogation room, Joseph and Abigail were waiting for him. "Let's go see your father kids." Said Nate.

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