Chapter Three

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When we get to the throne room, we see that the rover had already been taken to the cells, so Bandon and I went to find Amberle, Wil, and Allanon.

We ran into the halfling first, "Halfling, where are the others?"

"Wil, my names Wil and Allanon went to his room and Amberle went with her grandfather," he said.

"Bandon you go with Wil and find Amberle, make sure she's safe," I instruct. "I'll go and find the druid," I focus and track the essence his magic leaves behind.

I find his room and knock on his door. "It's open," I hear his gruff voice.

"Allanon, the rover, was it the changeling?" I get right to the point.

"No, she is human, the changeling is still out there," he steps out of the bathroom and grabs his sword.

"Take me to her," I demand. He looks at me but leads me down there anyway. I telepathically tell Bandon to take the two down to the dungeons.

The walk down is filled with silence. We got there and Bandon and the others were already there.

"Why are we down here?" asked Amberle.

"Bandon saw someone with you when he touched you," I walked behind Allanon who lead to Eretria.

"I saw her," Bandon said looking towards the rover.

"What?" Amberle asked. "No, she's not- she can't be," she tried to deny it.

"Well she is and she will join the two of you to deliver the seed to the Bloodfire," I announce.

"No!" Amberle exclaimed.

"It's for the good of the land! You will either do this or doom us all!" I raise my voice and look at her.

"There is no other way, it must be done," Allanon steps in, with much more calmness.

Amberle looked like she wanted to argue some more but she didn't have a chance.

"If you don't get over your petty little fight about her and let her join you then we will all die because of your ignorance," I glare at her.

She looks to me and then to Allanon, "Alright."

"Good, now that that's settled, is there anything else Allanon?" I looked to him, knowing he wanted to say something.

"We must speak with Eventine," is all he said as he walked out of the dungeons and to, most likely, the throne room.

We follow after him and when we get to the throne room, Allanon and I plan the way to distracted and capture the changeling. We decided that the captain of the guard will accompany Eretria and Wil to a safe place and lure the changeling there, while Allanon and I protect Amberle at another location.

So far the plan was coming along until Wil ran over to Amberle. "It's not safe," he exclaimed.

Allanon held me back but that's when you sensed the darkness, it wasn't Wil at all, but the changeling.

"It's not Wil," I furiously said and Allanon burst into action once he heard that and the change of voice.

He came out from the shadow and turned around, snapping the changeling's neck. I was right behind him and was staring at him in awe. How have I never seen him fight before? Well I have but it's still amazing. Amberle was staring in shock and let out a small gasp.

I walk over to her, "It's okay, everything's okay." She merely nods at your words, and still continues to stare at the body. Then Wil, the real halfling, came bounding in and we all looked at him, and his gaze shifted to his dead body. He had an incredulous expression which morphed into one of slight disgust and horror when the body changed to it's natural form.

"Burn the body and put the ashes in this," Allanon handed a small vase to one of the guards. He turns to me, "make sure they do as I said, I'll see the them off," he looks towards Amberle and Wil.

I nod my head and head to Bandon's room first to make sure he's okay. I find him laying in his bed, "Hey we got the demon."

He hums in acknowledgement, "I'll come back later," I say and leave him to his thoughts.

I walk out to where they were burning the body and find the guards dead. Allanon is gonna be so mad. I think to myself as I run back into the palace hoping to track the demon.

AN: This is somewhat short or not it looks short to me.. Anyway here is another chapter and I hope you all like it :) Feedback is always welcome!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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