Unnecessary Therapy

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"So ... Could you repeat why I'm here today?" Todoroki asked stoically, sitting in front of the psychologist.

"You are here as a follow-up to your couple therapy with Mrs. Todoroki Momo. We know that your marriage was arranged by your parents and we believe that it is necessary to follow up to ensure that it would be successful" replied the man with large sturdy glasses sitting with notebook in hand in front of him.

"I understand that" commented the hero in training "But why is Momo not with me? This is couple therapy, after all" He justified.

"We want to see how you react when you're meet separately, it's a simple protocol young Todoroki, you just need to answer the questions honestly" the man added kindly. Todoroki just nodded. "The questions are regulatory, so I ask you to answer them all, do not worry, I am a professional specialized in this area" Todoroki nodded again "The first question: How do you feel about the fact that your marriage was arranged by the parents of both of you?"

"I really do not care much" When he saw that there was no answer, because apparently he wanted longer answers, he added "Momo and I knew each other before, which is already a miracle when they arrange your marriage for convenience. I'm grateful for that".

"I see," said the specialist while writing something in his notebook "I understand that you have 3 months married to the young lady, have you had any serious problem at this time?"

"No" he replied monotonously, once again receiving the silence of the man, who urged him to continue, resigned himself to having to leave his usual short answers aside "Momo is very accessible, I do not know how to explain it, she practically tells me yes to everything. I'm not someone who asks a lot, so I think we understand each other very well. "He concluded by remembering the complacent attitude of his now wife.

"Very well" again he wrote "If you could describe your life at this moment, would you say it is better or worse than your life before getting married?"

"Better" he said without thinking. "Although I miss my sister sometimes, she's planning to get married too, which was her dream for a long time but she had not done it for me. Now I get home and Momo warmly welcomes me, I appreciate her effort" It was curious how Endeavor, being the hero of the flames, did not have a touch of warmth with his own son.

"Hungry for affection" the interviewer muttered.

"What?" Todoroki asked surprised.

"Let's continue" the man announced, ignoring the adolescent's doubt. "How would you say the young woman feels about your marriage?"

"Are you asking me how Momo feels?" He asked strangely "Should not you ask her that?"

"Unable to understand other people's feelings" the man muttered again as he wrote down everything.

"No, wait!" Todoroki jumped, this was going terrible "She's always smiling, so according to me she's happy, we always do what she wants, the other day she wanted to change all the furniture in the house, so we went to buy new ones, do you know how big our house is? I do not care because she wanted it; at night she told me she was happy. "He finished trying to correct his previous mistake.

"Sick need of material things" The man whispered suspiciously as he wrote down everything in his notebook. Todoroki could feel how his fire quirk wanted to emerge, he was getting carried away by his emotions. "Tell me, how does she react to your stimuli?"

"Eh?" Before he wanted to go on fire and now this question had left him frozen "Stimuli?" He repeated feeling his face heat up, probably from the blush, little by little.

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