I cant have feelings for you

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* two weeks later
Jake POV: I finished my intro to today's vlog and I went to see what Erika was doing. She was with Anthony on her bed cuddling🙄
Erika: oh hey Jake
Jake: hey... um im just going to go now looks like you guys need some private time
Erika: ok?
*jake leaves
Anthony: do you know what's going on with Jake he always gets really uncomfortable when he is around us
Erika: it's probably nothing
Erika POV: sometimes I wonder if Jake has a crush on me the other day he said he would do anything for me he's probably not used to Anthony and I being together.
Jake POV: I saw them together and it made me so uncomfortable and jealous for some reason we aren't even together. It's been like this for a while I really care about Erika and it sucks that my best friend is dating the person I have a huge crush on. I have to go and talk about this with someone so I went to kades room to ask for advice
Jake: can I come in
Kade: ya
Jake: I need to talk about something but you got to swear not to tell anyone
Kade: i swear I won't tell anyone
Jake POV: I told kade all my feelings I have towards Erika
Kade: you guys would be really cute together but it's not a great idea to have feelings for your best friends girlfriend.
Jake: I know but I can't help it.
Kade: you have to forget about it
Jake: I'll try
Jake POV: I leave kades room and go continue my vlog for today
*the end of the day
Jake: and I'll see you tomorrow cause it's every day bro, peace
Jake POV: I am so exhausted today was a very long day I am ready to go to sleep. I go upstairs brush my teeth and try to go to sleep but for some reason I can't so I go downstairs to get a drink of water. I walk down and I see Erika in the kitchen
Jake: hey Erika what are you doing
Erika : I can't sleep. You
Jake: can't sleep either
Jake POV: I go and get water and go stand next to Erika
Erika: what happened earlier when you came into my room and left right away
Jake: oh.. no I just realized that I had a lot of work to do
Erika: oh..ok
Jake POV: I looked at Erika and I saw some chocolate on the corner of her mouth. I took my finger and slowly whipped it of not looking anywhere but her beautiful eyes.
Erika POV: Jake was whipping of chocolate from my mouth and I felt my stomach getting butterflies I know I can't have feelings for him but I can't help it he makes me smile everyday and when I'm around him it's the best time. We stared into each others eyes until i realized that I'm with Anthony
Erika: um anyway I better go it's late
Jake: ya... same
Jake POV: I went back to my room and all I could think about is Erika.

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