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As I intend to write a story later, I just felt that I had to write this now. This is not written as a way to offend anyone or hate on anyone. This is written as a way to let people know what is going on and as a way to potentially change things.

I am someone who thinks and knows as much as the next person how much education is important and I'm not complaining in any way about my life because I'm lucky enough to have access to a quality education in one of the best schools in my region. However I do think that things have to change.

First of all education should be accessible to anyone no matter what their background. I do not care in what god you believe or what color your skin is or even if you come from upstate Manhattan or from the Bronx, both should be allowed education and high quality education, Harvard standards. Second, education is not how schools are right now, education is about learning and not performing. The way school is right now the objective is to get good grades and not to learn. You know when you lose points on an exam, because you made a mistake, well I'm sorry but it's human to make mistakes. I remember once my math teacher was correcting an exam in class and you know how some students beg for points. Well, long story short, the teacher said something in the sense of: " You made a mistake, and for mistakes you lose points". I just had a realization of how a mistake is human and how the school system reflects otherwise. 

My dream career is to become a doctor and you know what I had a passion and a motivation to become a doctor, and my goal wasn't to become a doctor just for the money, but in order to help people. Well, as time goes by, I'm starting more and more to  change career goals, because what happens when you want to become a doctor is getting a knife out and struggling to not act on your emotions. And I'm not necessarily talking about suicide, but I'm talking about a way to get your emotions out. The biggest proof that our education system doesn't work is the fact that they are more suicides among medical students than among students in other faculties. If you do a little bit of research you'll see how much these students are in a bad health. Isn't it weird that people who are training to save lives are thinking about ending their lives or how they are in a bad health. 

This is not encouraging to act impulsively on any emotion. On the opposite this is to help you realize how to let go of what is hurting you and this is also written in order to possibly change how things are in the future. 

If ever you need help, contact your local hotline. 

For canada dial 1-883-456-4566 or text 45645

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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