• p r o l o u g e •

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• 2-D POV •

(y/n)... the girl I've known since high-school. I personally thought she was gorgeous, but she wouldn't believe me every time I told her she was gorgeous.

One day, I went out for a drink with Murdoc, and Russ.
I saw her, my beautiful (y/n)

• (y/n) POV •

"Stu?" I approached the lanky, bluenette male. "Oi! (y/n) its really yew!" He smiled, flashing his gaps. "Damn right it's me! I missed you so much, so how's life been going?" I flashed him a smile, he blushed lightly.

"It's been alright, I guess. But better now that I've seen you, (y/n)," 2-D smirked.


Updates are going to be really slow, lately I've had a lot of school stuff going on, but I'll try to make this update streak pretty sane, as in regularly updating unless I put the story on a brief hiatus.

tata. 💞

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