That Night

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What happened that night, where properly a mistake, but at that moment it felt so right to both. They were both a little tipsy and a little heart broken, and that could have been the reason why it happened at all. Wes had recently broken of his engagement, with his longtime girlfriend and fiancé. She had wanted to move to New York, but he didn't want to leave his friends, his job and his home. Things might have changed a lot at Smosh games, with Anthony leaving to do his own thing and Sohinki and Lasercorn broke off and started a new channel. Yet he wasn't ready to start something new. He needed something constant in his life. They had tried to make it work, with him in LA and her I New York, but they had drifted apart. It brook is heart, the she told him, that they had to stop pretending, and that she wanted to be with someone else. Wes had found himself felling lonely, until the Friday, Mari had asked him, if he wanted to go for a drink. She herself had broken up with her boyfriend. Realizing that they weren't going in the same direction with their relationship.

Ithad started with them in a dusky club, with two beers on the table betweenthem. They talked about everything and nothing. Like old friends, catching up.Wondering why thing had changed in their lives. The first beers became twomore. Wes realized that he never noticed how beautiful Maris laugh were. Theydrank a little more, and talk a little longer. Mari being the dancer, that shewas, pulled Wes to floor and mad him dance with her. His giant arms and handswere gentle in the way he hold her small frame. He liked the way she fittedperfectly in to his arms and the felling of her hands on the back of his neck,tangled in to the silver hair off his. Another drink, they found them self in theback of a taxi, heading to Wes' apartment. Wes' arm was resting on Mari'sshoulder, slowly brushing down her hair. Mari leant to him, felling the heatcoming from his body. She wanted to but her arms around him and pull himcloser. Burring herself in his body. In the darkness she couldn't see his face,but she could feel his warm eyes on her. Mari lifted her self up to his face.She always fought of him as a giant, but right there she realized, just howtall he was, even when sitting down. Their first kiss where gentle, soft andsweet. Wes could taste the beer on her lips. Blood rushed to his face, coloringhis skin red. Mari pulled away from him, wanting to see his reaction. She couldsee the white off his teeth in his smile. It was a greedy smile, that she hadnever seen on him before. His lips caught hers again, kissing her with need andpassion. The taxi stopped in front of Wes' apartment. Wes quickly paid thedriver. Mari, haven been at his place many times before, pulled him up thestairs. Her long hair swing as she walked. Wes pressed her up against the door,kissing her. Some how he managed to unlock the door and open it, with Marihanging around his neck. The door slammed behind them as Mari used all herweight to push him up against it. Her hands where moving up under his shirt,lifting the material. Wes laughed as her hair tinkled his neck. Her lips were tracingthe line of his jaw, leaving kisses on his skin. Mari left him speechless asshe pulled away to remove his shirt. It ended up somewhere on the floor in theroom. Mari took a moment to take in his body, the mussels under the skin,making him look like a Greek god. She bidet her lower lip, realizing that hehad had that body all this time, with out her giving it a thought. Wes pickedher up in his arms, lifting her to the sofa. The pillows where soft under her.He supported his weight on his arms and legs, half in the sofa, half on thefloor. Mari's hand roomed his body, wanting to learn every part of it. Weskissed her jaw and neck, making her shiver and sigh. On of his hands fought itsway to her back. Mari never imaged that the giant child, who got so shy, thenthey talked about sex in the office, where so skilled at this. His hand wassteady as he fought the claps of her bar. Opening it with out problems. Marilifted her body, so that he could remove her shirt and bar. His eyes lit up, atthe sight of her beast. Mari grabbed for his belt. Wes caught her hand andstopped her.
"I want to make this last. " he said, with a dark and raspy voice, completelydifferent from his normal voice. Mari sank moving her hands up his body.
"Should we move to the bedroom?" she asked. Wes stopped. He hadn't used thebedroom ever shins the break up.
"Wes, are you alright?" asked Mari and placed a hand on the side of his face.Wes pull him self back to her and lower him self to kiss her. Mari folded herlegs around his waist. He lifted her up, supporting her with his hands, theirbody pressed against each other. They tumbled in to the bedroom, falling on tothe bed, Mari on top of Wes. He discovered her body with his hands and eyes.Mari kissed down his body, grapping for his belt again. He didn't stop her thistime. She removed it and threw it on the floor. She crawled of him to get hispants of. Wes helped her, by getting up. He kicked them away and crawled backon to the bed. Mari moved up to the headstand, looking down to his boxers. Shenoticed the bugled between his legs, butterflies moving around in her stomach.Wes hovered over her. His eyes were dark and filed with lust. Mari grabbed hisneck, pulling him down to her. She kissed him, making him open his mouth. Theirtoughs danced, and her hands pulled his hair. Somewhere in the middle of it,her pants and underwear landed on the floor, next to his. Wes pulled away,looking down at her.
"We can still stop, if you don't want this. " he said. Mari had made up hermind a long time ago. She pulled down his boxers, realizing his member. Hereyes widen, at the size of it.
"I don't want to stop. " she said. Wes knouted and kissed her. Mari spread herlegs, letting him place himself in between them. She moaned in to his lips, as she felted himslighting a finger inside her. He slowly moved his finger in and out of her.Mari could feel her body getting warm. She grabbed his shoulder holding on tohim. He looked down at her, to make sure that she was okay.
"More. " she whispered, looking at him with pleasure. He slighted anotherfinger inside her. Bumping in and out a little faster. Mari couldn't containherself, moaning louder. How had he kept this side from her? She could feel whotends his mussels were, clearly holding himself back.
"Wes, please. " she pegged, wanting all of him. He pushed a third finger insideand used his thump to play with her clit. Mari moaned again, digging her nailsin to his strong back.
"Stop teasing Wesley. " she moaned and pulled him up to her. Wes had at wildfire in his beautiful dark eyes. She felt an emptiness inside, as he removedhis fingers. He positioned himself in front of her, slowly pushing inside ofher. Mari gasped, digging her nails even harder into his back. He groaned,fighting to control himself, not wanting to hurt her. She felt him filling herup. It hurt a bit, in the beginning. She was not use to his size. He hold back,lifting his weight on his arms. His forehead rested on hers. Mari kissed him deeply,to let him know that it was alright. Wes started to move slowly, grabbing on toher thin waist. Mari couldn't hold bag her voice. She had never felt anythinglike this. Wes moved faster groaning in to her neck. Mari felt sweat drippingfrom his skin on to her own. She was sure that she had drawn blood by now. She couldfeel the marks that she had left on his back. Mari let out a loud moan as hehit the right spot. He smiled against her neck, and hit it again. If he keptthis up, she would not last much longer. Wes hit the spot again, moving faster thanbefore. Mari hold on to his shoulders for her dear life. She called out hisname in between the moans and groans. The world was breaking apart around her. Shecould only see Wes. His silver hair sticking to his face from the sweat.
"Mari, I'm close. " he thrusted harder. Mari caught his lips, tasting the salt andalcohol in his breath.
"Just a little more. " she moaned in to his mouth. With a few hard thrust more,he sends her over the edge. Black spot blurred her vision, her body shaking. Shehold on to him, as her orgasm swallowed her. Wes' body tensed up, and with alast thrust, he filled her up and collapsed on top of her. He was heavy, butMari didn't care, she just wanted to hold on to him and fell him. They were bothbreathing heavily. Wes slowly rolled of her, falling on the bed next to her. Mariturned to look at him. His eyes where half closed, his long eyelashes castingshadows on his cheekbones. She sat up looking down at his handsome face.
"Are you leaving?" he asked, with then same sexy voice as before. Mari shookher head, placing a hand on his chest.
"I won't do that to you. " she said, bending over him, lightly kissing his lips.He smiled back at her, pushing her hair behind her ear.
"Your' beautiful. " he whispered. Mari felt blood rushing to her cheeks. She laidher head on his chest. His breathing was deep, and his heart was still beatingfast. Wes pulled the covers over them and put his arms around her, holding herclose. Mari looked up at his face, watching him as he drifted in to sleep. Heface looked more peaceful than it had in weeks. She stretched to kiss his jawand soft lips. Mari looked at him, listing to the sound of his beating heart,until she fell asleep.     

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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