Surprise at adoption day part 2

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Slendermans POV:                           Me and my brothers just got into the adoption room there were a lot of kids screaming and yelling we had a look around I noticed some blond girls talking and laughing and even then they pointed at something in the corner and started laughing again we looked at were they were pointing and saw a group of kids in the corner so me and my brothers listened at what they were saying one of them said something to make offender laugh but not to much for people to see one of them said "why do you need glasses when you have no face" (a/n if I do - in front of the thing a person was going to say that means it will be talking in someone's mind ok got it good) then trenderman yelled in our heads "-well little girl it's for fashion-" I just mentally face palmed at this but I want to keep a eye on them with out them knowing after like 10 minutes Splendy had a different idea.                                Y/N POV: me and my friends were just relaxing until  that guy from earlier that had the polka dots all over his suit came up and said in a happy tone "hello there!!!" I smiled even know you can't see it and said in a equally happy tone "hey how are you!!!!" he smile got even wider if that was possible and said "awesome and you" you smiled more and said "pretty awesome as well" I had a quick look at my friends and just saw that they were face palming but oh well I turned back to the guy and he still had a huge smile on his face he was about to say something until the other guys that were with him came up and put a hand on his shoulder he looked back and smiled even more and next second he was on one of them hugging them to death me and my friends started laughing really hard at this and then stopped when they got up they looked at us and asked for our names we told them and they went up to the lady and said "we would have these 4" I smiled and yelled out "5" they looked at me confused so I yelled out "dragon" and next minute a wolf looking thing came out of no were and said here they looked a Little shock but then dragon said "hey have you look like you never seen a fish wolf before" (A/N dragon looks like a wolf but has a tail that's like a snake but more wide and has fins on the end of it,sharp shark like teeth and one of her eyes look like a crocodile eye and is surrounded with scales you can choose what colour) the four men looked each other and the one with the fancy like suit said a simple "ok she can come" the lady at the desk asked us to get our stuff so we ran to our room and started packing

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