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Slug woke up, again, the moon was really bright and the night was cold. The village was only dust and the dark forest was nothing more than a black valley. Girl is dead, everyone is dead , Slug didn't like the new way he looked, he was bigger, he had toxic things coming out of every pore on his body and he could hardly speak, more than 21 teeth, his shell was stronger and bigger, his mass was much more, he was sluggier, he also had the tentacles and grown nail on each tentacle, he was the grossest thing alive. These soft bones didn't burn, you lucky girl bones, not really lucky, no, no, no Slug started to open his giant mouth and started crunching his teethe against this bones. Rain? It suddenly started to rain, BURNS! BURNs! TENTACLES, SHELL, SKIN, SLUGG, BURNS! The water drops from the sky, Slug starts to die NOOO STOP he gets into his shell and cries. Master, give me a thing that covers me from te rain a red umbrella falls from the sky slowly. Slug is completely safe from the rain now this place.. cold, and I hungry the slug grabbed the umbrella and it started flying woooow there is food down slug could see big amounts of people far from the burnt forest. It stopped raining, he fell from the umbrella, his shell broke nooooo home is dead, I find other home suddenly he saw a girl running, she could be home, her inside could be

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