I cant think of the name! Rescue me

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i have really bad time on choosing the name for my poems. Because the half of the time I am just blank. well to be honest all the time. I can take like 5 minutes to write a poem And thousand years to think of a name. It's actually weird because like no one actually is  reading my poems. Creepy right ? But I am happy that someday someone will read! Fingers crossed! There should be emotion for that!


Tell me from of the bottom of your heart,

who left this big mark,

so I can reach to the sky and ask for the love that unstains this big mark!

From the beginning of her love story

she felled in love with all her heart.

To fall out of love, imagine the pain she got!

she is not a coward.

She is not stupid.

to cut herself,

it takes a lot of courage.

The stain  and the cuts

are not signs of cowardness...

But where there is lack of life,

physical pain is just as light as a feather.

In order to make her feel alive, and get rid of the blank space in her heart,
she cuts her herself,
to find the pain, she can feel to be alive.

But when her feelings are in risk, in the gambles of lust,
Don't blame her because she is innocent.
Blame the one who treated her like she was nothing.

And where true feelings are treated with a lie,

There is no hope of falling

when everything is broken already.

but sometimes, what we call the best feeling,
takes more than it gives,
shatters more than it shelters....

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