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     It began when I was a young girl. My childhood was bleak. Stuck in a rut, I had no foreseeable future. At least not one with any joy. 

     "Power brings happiness." That's the message I'd been given my whole life. That message is what led me down my path of darkness. I began my schemes with petty crimes. I slowly went up from there. The darkness in me grew, and I got stuck. Stuck planning elaborate stratagems, wasting away. Of course I had enemies. Everyone has enemies. But for me, those enemies were bumped up to a... higher level. That is, a more unique level.

      One significant difference between me and other criminals was that I had powers. These capabilities enabled me to do as I pleased. Of course, no one knew that I had powers. That, I could easily have them forget. I didn't get them suddenly, by some strange phenomenon. I was born with them. 

     At first, my family had thought that I was mentally unsound. Then, as I grew older, strange things started to happen. I had the power of persuasion. I could bend someone's will to my own. Make them do things. I could eventually even make them see things. These powers, however, came with a price. And I did not pay that price willingly.

      Most of the small crimes were forced. Thrust upon me by a greedy family who wanted more. Eventually, it became habit to act as such. Then it became a need. Then a desire. The darkness seeped into my mind like a demon of crippling hunger. Hunger for wickedness. I was an unfathomable creature of heinousness that would stop at nothing. I could ravage the minds of an entire crowd in the blink of an eye. Any person that came across me was easily defeated. All of this was solid fact. Until the day I saw him. 

     He entered my life like a light shining through a murky cloud of dark water. My vision had been restricted, and now I could finally see. Before he entered my life, I didn't have a mind of my own.

      I had lost the ability to think for myself years before. The monster that was my mind had consumed me completely. I didn't have a sense of purpose or judgement. I was a moving mass of evil that would destroy lives just for the sake of destruction. To overcome this demon, I would have to endure immense mental and emotional struggle. To do this, I would have to find myself again. And here, our story begins.


       My day began like any other. I sat up in the alleyway I had called home for the night and walked out into the street. Head held high, I strutted into the nearest cafe. Watching the terror on people's faces as I whipped open the door gave me a strange feeling. A combination of both satisfaction and joy. It elated the monster in me. With a snap of my fingers, a drink was handed to me. I turned to walk out, and waved my arm for good measure. The strangled screams of the few I had picked to torture making their way out the door. 

      I stepped out into the street again, coffee in hand. Swooping over to the nearest window TV set, I could see that I was sharing the front page with another criminal. This one had spunk, I'd give them that. I sipped my coffee and turned on my heel. 

     I could constantly feel the buzz of a million voices on my head . A million thoughts, feelings, opinions. I stopped for a moment, spinning around with a jolt. I threw my head back in agony as the voices crashed into me. Like a hole poked in a muffler, the sound had come in ten times the usual hum.

      For a moment, the creature within halted. These were the moments I felt wrong. I felt unsure and lost. As I grabbed my head in agony, I felt arms around me. A comforting yet demanding push directed me somewhere. My vision tunneled and my normal hearing compromised, I had no choice but to give in.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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