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Harry looked down at his shoes as he blushed slightly, the memory of their first meeting flooding through his mind

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Harry looked down at his shoes as he blushed slightly, the memory of their first meeting flooding through his mind. But the roles were reversed. And he hadn't just come back from a fresh kill.

"It's been a while since you've been here," his deep voice rang, each word sounding almost as if it came from someone else. "I don't know what your usual is."

Louis caught on, closing his eyes while his sunshine smile spread on his face. The spread of his lips just made Harry's heart race. "Whiskey. Leave the bottle." He stated, opening his eyes to reveal his intense grey orbs.

The tall man was ready to slip back into "protective boyfriend" mode and tell him that that much alcohol could mess him up for the night and that two or three glasses should be fine. But he kept his mouth shut.

Harry stood frozen for a moment, watching as his dainty fingers wrapped around the bottle, the bracelets on his left arm sliding forward to reveal the dark scars and new marks on his tan skin. The brunette's throat felt dry at that, continuing to stare as the fluid spilled into the glass.

"Alright, so you have everything you need?" He asked, wishing to leave the man since all he could think about was how he missed him greatly.

"Stay," Louis hummed, patting the seat beside him with one hand while the other raised the half-full glass to his lips. "I always hated drinking alone." He mumbled before the cup was empty with the alcoholic substance slipping down past his glistening pink lips.

"It still doesn't do anything." Harry softly said, his ruby orbs falling down to his boots because he didn't know what the hell to look at. It was getting too awkward. "So, my mom told me that you work at the music store?" He asked, trying to start the conversation since he was basically trapped.

"Yeah," Louis burped, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he covered his mouth. "After we broke up, I got a job there and have been happy ever since."

Harry nodded his head at that, raising his gaze for a split second to see that he was pouring himself another glass before gazing around the bar to see that it was packed like usual.

His fingertips twitched for a moment as he folded his arms across his chest, making his muscles pop while his razor sharp jawline was on full view. He furrowed his eyebrows as that certain pain began to flood through his body, his eyes forcibly shutting closed for just a second.

"Are you getting your urge?" Louis questioned, raising the glass to gulp down the whiskey in one-go once again. His head was tilted down as his fingertip traced around the rim of the glass. His dull eyes remained locked on the man who merely nodded as a response, his large hands going to rub at his shoulders as if that would ease the pain.

It gave Louis the chance to see that he was still wearing the ring he had given him, causing him to look down at the counter. "You always made this face when it was coming. Like, you had the worst migraine in the world." He noted, his voice soft as if any-other tone would ruin the moment.

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