Author's Note

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Hello guys! How are you? 😀 It's been a long time 😌
First of all, let me apologize for not being regular with my updates. Forgive me 😌🙏 I'am really very sorry.

I was caught up so badly with my work that I had hardly any time to sit and write. Moreover, I didn't wanted to scribble something and update just for the sake of it.

You guys have been the most supportive and wonderful readers.😍 And thus, I don't want to let you down.😊 The good news is that FINALLY I've got my Christmas break and that means I've got enough time to indulge in the Dreamworld of 💕Pranushka!!!💕

I have started working on my update and will try my best to upload it today itself 😁

And finally, I just wanted to thank all the readers, who take their time to read my amatuer work and appreciate it. And also, to them who read my works silently as well ( I was one such reader myself for a long time). If you have loved it, that's more than enough for me.💕🤗

I'm thanking you all because the messages and notifications that I got when I opened this app after a long time, asking for an update, just got me overwhelmed.😍😘 So a BIG THANK YOU once again for all the love.🤗🤗

Now, enough with my ranting. I'm gonna go and work on that long due update.😁😂 I promise to make it more interesting.😉💕

Oh yeah! One more thing... I'm just asking out of curiosity...

Which chapter of my work did you liked the best? Please do let me know so that I can add something like that in my next updates😊

Until then,
keep reading 💕
Keep loving Pranushka 💕😍

Lots of love 💕

P.S. Have you checked out Bhaagamathie teaser?! It's... WOW 😍😱 In case you haven't, here's the link

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