Dear diary: 10th December 2013

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Dear diary,  as the days passed I was figuring out what is going on with Scott. I found something on the internet and something from himself. He revealed the big secret. I couldn't beleive, but everything was real. He is werewolf. He was chosen by accident to be in a pack by some guy called Derek. I was on distance for a while, but I couldn't stand. I missed him. so, I returned. Things are not different. He has many skills, he can run fast, he is stronger, he has claws and his eyes turn yellow when he turns into werewolf. In fact, I don't know why, but Scott's best friend was Stiles and Stiles didn't tell me at the beginning who is the mysterious guy that gave me the pen. Why? About the werewolf thing... No one from my family knows, I hope they will never find out. I hope...

xoxo, Allison ♥

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