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This isnt what i hoped for when i went to school today. Im currently shoe-less, beat up, bloody, clothes torn and would cry if i were anyone else. I sat under a cover of a convinience store and sat there, hoping the pain would go, my clothes would become untorn and my shoes would come back. Soon a group of people surrounded the store and i was left unnoticed still.
After a while, a guy with one eye covered with hair and a colorful coat was infront of me and holding out some food. I tilted my head in confusion. Its probably stolen.
"Are you hungery or not kid?" He asked and i hesitantly grabbed what he was giving me and i ate. My dad only feeds me when hes home because he brings food home with him and never keeps food in the house.
"Thank you sir..." I mumbled quietly. He then grabbed my wrist when his group was leaving and dragged me along. I didnt complain because people means i can get more food and water.
"Tooru, look what Yabase found!" I was grabbed at and i hid in the colorful coat guys arms.
"Come on Yabase. Give him up." He refused. "He probably has parents that would kill us if we kept him around."
"My dad hates me and only feeds me when he comes home and i only get scraps..." I mumbled.
"See? Can we keep him? Hes hurt pretty badly and doesnt even have shoes." My feet are cold but im ignorring it.
"Fine. But hes gonna have to earn what he gets."
"Im fine with that." I stated. "Thankyou..." Im still clinging to the one called Yabase.
"Yuki." I stated. And i was asked where i lived and i told them. I even showed them and they told me that one of them would come and get me each day after they asked me which school i went to and answered. They left and i went inside and warmed my feet up and went to bed after changing and finding something to wear tomarrow.
When school was over, i just wanted to go home. But that didnt happen. I was grabbed by a guy much larger than me and he dragged me back inside and i saw Yabase... He was looking around for me. I was forced against a wall and punched. Im 14 yet im small like a 9 year old. And people beat me up for that... When he was done with me, he cleaned his fist and shoes of my blood. I shakily got up and forced myself to walk. When Yabase saw, he asked.
"What happened?"
"I got beat up again for my size..." I stated and he grabbed my wrist lightly and it hurt and i pulled it away from him.
"Your wrist hurts too huh?" I nodded and rubbed it. A few girls stopped and stared at him and he put his coat around me, zipped it up, grabbed the sleeve and i followed him.
When we got to the store they found me by, he got his coat back from me and i was told to get them food and i was given a list of what to get and some money. I went inside with the money and list and got them what they wanted and when i was passing it around, i was told to keep the change and i thanked the one who said that.
"Seems like hes already obedient!"
"Hes a keeper!" I then tossed out the bag that used to contain the food and drinks and other items and sat on the curb and Yabase sat beside me and put me in his jacket.
"Seems like hes already fond of him."
"Thats rare though, dont you think?" I then felt an ice pick in the pocket and im now wondering if he will use it on me. Hopefully he doesnt...
When i got home, my dad was home and was passed out on the couch and i saw a note on a bag saying i could have what was in it. It was a bunch of sandwiches, caked, cookies, and other meals! I grabbed the bag and went to my room and ate what i could and put the rest in the small fridge we owned that i had put into my room. When i woke up, i was relieved it was a weekend. I ate some more food and checked to see if my dad was home and he was watching TV.
"I got myself some breakfast and couldnt eat all of it. You can have whats left."
"Thank you..." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear and ate what i was given and decided to get dressed to go before Yabase or the others could come here.
"Im heading out..."
"Dont come back unless you have a six pack of bear with you!"
"Ok..." I then left and i ran into Yabase.
"Are your injuries ok?" I nodded.
"I dont feel them." He then inspected them and they were still open. He then dragged me into a house, probably his home, and grabbed a first aid kit and ordered me to take my shirt off so he can check all my injuries. No option involved! I did as told and he disinfected all of them. Which hurt more than getting them and then he wrapped them up. He then got to my wrist and i heard a crack when he moved it up and it hurt and i felt like screaming but i didnt. I just gritted my teeth.
"Broken..." He stated and brought me to a hospital and i thanked him.
When we got out, he grabbed a marker from his pocket and wrote something onto the cast. I never learned to read anything but romanji so i didnt know what it said. Maybe his name? He doesnt look like it but hes a lot like a mom... In a way... So far, hes taken care of me like a mom or good older brother would.
"What does it say?" I asked.
"You dont know how to read?"
"Not kanji, hiragana or katakana. Just romanji." He grabbed my left wrist and dragged me back to his home and taught me how to read and write like a normal person.
After a while, i ended up falling asleep on the couch with him and when we woke up, he told me to get my shoes on. "We need to meet the others at the hang out." I nodded and followed him.
When we got to an abandoned looking building, it was filled with people and i clung to his jacket.
"Yabase! Whats with the kid clinging to you? Arent ya gonna beat on him?" He pulled out the icepick and pressed it against the guys chest.
"And when are you gonna pay me back? Huh?!" Hes scarry...
"Chill out! Dont take it personally!" And he was punched in the head and he dragged me away. So dont make him mad... He still had the icepick in hand. He then layed on a couch and pulled me with him and had me lay on him and zipped up his coat with me in it.
"How hold are you anyway?"
"14... Im small for my age so people beat me up." I stated quietly and he hugged me. He still has the icepick...! He can stab me with it if he wants... But i somehow was able to sleep.
When i woke up, i was in his bed with him clinging in his sleep. I managed to get free from him without waking him up and i checked to see if i had some money and i did and i did as my dad asked of me and brought him home some beer. He was passed out again so i put the pack on his lap and careful so i wouldnt wake him up so he wouldnt beat on me. I then went to my room. So far, Yabase is like an older brother of sorts... I jist have to make sure i dont piss him off...

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