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When i woke up, my dad was talking to someone and when i saw who it was, i kept my door shut enough to where i could see but not be seen.
"What do you want with the useless brat anyway?"
"We've been needing another errand dog for a while now and he helped us out once and did a good job so we thought we would keep him."
"If you have a use for the kid, keep him for all i care. His room is that one." I rushed to my bed silently and pretended to be asleep so tooru doesnt bug me. I dont know why but he scares me more than Yabase does.
"O~I~ i know your awake Yuki~!" He called like he would call a pet. I sat up and he had me get dressed.
"And if ya want, you can keep him full time! Hes been nothing but a waste of space! No surprise his mom didnt want him." I packed my things as i was told and when we got to what they called the hand out, they were trying to decide who i would be living with from now on. And Yabase had caught me again and in his coat. I figured out that once im in his coat, he decides whats gonna happen with me and what i do no ifs ands or buts.
"Yanase~! Since your fond of the brat, hes living with you from now on!" He threw the icepick and it barely missed tooru.
"And there wasnt even gonna be any other option!" He shouted and hugged me and stood up and grabbed my things and we left.
When we got to his home, he told me where everything was and i realised that this was a one room appartment.
"Can you cook Yuki?" I nodded. He got out some food and told me to make anything with it. He gave me beef, some seasonings, cheese, noodles, garlic, onion, peppers and tomatoes. I got this! My dad would sometimes get things thay needed to be cooked without realising it so i would cook it for him while he was in the shower.
When it was done, he tried it and was impressed.
"You really are good at cooking yet your all skin and bone."
"My dad never left me any money or bought any food so when he did come home with food, i would only get what he didnt eat and thats normally just scraps." I stated and ate as well.
"Your gonna be my personal cook from now on." He stated with a serious expression. I have no choice... "Hows the wrist?"
"Still hurts..." I mumbled. "So why did you feed me and drag me with you when we first met?"
"I decided that your my little brother and that your to never abandon me." He stated and ate. "But now your more of a wife than a brother." So blunt...
"Why would i be more like a wife than a brother? Your the one whoes a mom..." He cleaned the fork he had of food and leaned over the table and pressed it against my chest and i leaned back a bit.
"You can actually cook and you make a good pillow. No more questions." I nodded cause i didnt want to be stabbed with a fork........ Or anything.
Time skip one month
When i got home, i was beat up but not as badly as normal. I was covered in both my own blood and someone elses. I decided to fight back today. And Yabase was ready with the first aid kit. Its become a routine. I come home all beat up and he fixes me up.
"Seems like you decided to fight back today. And seems like you won." I nodded. "Show less mercy and you will come out with barely even a scratch on ya." I nodded again. "Your being quieter than normal today." I just shrugged. And he grabbed the disinfectant that stung. "Dont say why, i will use this to clean your injuries."
"The fight was because of a girl..." I mumbled. He still used it anyway. "Hey! What the hell!? I told you yet you still did that!" He pulled out his icepick.
"Would you rather this make them worst?!" Hes pissed and i dont know why! This is bad! This is very bad! If you dont know what pissed him off, you dont know how to stop pissing him off!
"C-calm down... W-wouldnt want to be arrested for murder do you?" He plunged it into the coffee table and continued to work on my injuries.
"Now run off with your girlfriend."
"I dont have one."
"If you fought over a girl, the girl will want to date the winner."
"Her boyfriend thought i was flirting with her when i was helping her study so he got pissed off." He seemed relieved. "You were jealous for a second there." And the icepick flew past my face. "Or not!" He then grabbed me, plopped onto the couch with me and zipped his coat up with me inside and hugged me.
"Im not going anywhere today, am i?"
"Not at all." Ive gotten used to this. The thing is, hes normally not talkative with everyone else but will talk freely around me. It makes me feel special. And someone knocked on the door. He groaned in annoyance, set me free and answered the door. It was a blond i havent seen before.
"I know you wouldnt want to see me but please hear me out." He was bowing.
"Ten minutes." Is all he said before he let the blond in. Yabase sat by me and i eventually decided to take a nap on him.
When i woke up, the blond was still here.
"And seems like you found someone else." I was then hugged and pulled into him more.
"Hes the gangs new dog." He ruffled my hair as he said that. "And i have the honor of keeping him."
"His parents are gonna get worried."
"My dad gave me to them when they asked for me." I mumbled and hid in his coat. He then realised its been more than ten minutes, thanked yabase for his time and left. I was then hugged.
"When do you go on summer break?" He asked.
"Next month... Just have to endure school for another month before i get to sleep in for a few..." He then held my head against him, like i was a little kid and him my mom. It was calming and i would have fallen asleep if the door wasnt pounded on.
"Go to the room to sleep if your tired. Ok?" I nodded but didnt go as he answered it. It was a police man and i put his icepick in a drawer.
"And whats with him? Hes obviously not your kid or brother."
"His parents have been having issues so ive been taking care of him so he can stay out of those issues." Hes a good lier. The police person came in and did a thorough look through of everything.
"Seems like everything is in order. Thankyou for your time." He then left. I gave Yabase a questioning look.
"The police have been investigating on someone that was killed by one of us. So we havent been meeting up to avoid any unwanted attention." He explained and picked me up and layed down with me in his bed. "Your my pillow tonight." No choice given...
"But dinner."
"Fine..." He let me go make dinner and after we ate, he used me as a pillow. I dont mind as long as im fed. And it will piss him off if i resist. A pissy Yabase is a Yabase you dont want to be around.

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