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"Hey watch out!" One of his sisters yelped when Mist accidentally jumped on top of her as he was running away. He didn't really pay attention to the other pup and sped away with some of his littermates behind him. They were playing tag but frankly he didn't think his littermates were playing fair. They were all going after him together, when there should only be one pup who tags the others. Mist spun around the table and ran in an different direction as fast as he could. The fact that his littermates teamed up on him didn't really matter, he was faster than all of them anyway. And not just a little faster, they always called him a cheater when they were playing. It didn't matter what they were doing. He outshine every one of them, at everything. You may think that that's a good thing, to be better than everyone else. That its always fun. But Mist was starting to hate it, his littermates would play less and less with him because they simply couldn't win. And he was starting to feel lonely.

Mist ran towards their mom, Mazie was her name. He skitted to a halt right in front of her front paws and turned around facing his littermates. They were all out of breath, panting heavilly. He himself could have continued this for at least another hour. Mazie looked at him with a smile. "Wearing the others out huh?" Mist gave her a guilty look. "We were playing tag and they all teamed up against me, it's not my fault I'm faster." Mazie smiled at him but her eyes looked troubled. "Ooh Mist..." her voice dropped and she licked his ear. "Don't worry about them." The other pups had arived and stood next to Mist. "We almost got you!" His only brother panted, his name was Sky. They were both named after their ghost-like blue eyes. All of their sister had brown eyes so they stood out. Their mom had brown eyes too, they had never seen their father so they couldn't know the colour of his eyes.

Mazie stood up and walked towards the bed. It was a large wooden box-kinda thing with a blanked in it but Mazie called it a 'bed'. The pups followed her, they were all hungry and wanted to feed. It was hard getting in the 'bed' so Mazie had to help them, there for it took a while before all 6 pups were in the bed. It was a tight fit but it was warm and comfortable in the bed. They all drank until they were comfortably full and Mist fell asleep together with his littermates.

The next morning Mist woke up before his littermates, some of them were snoring some of them weren't. He didn't want to wake them up so Mist stayed quit for a while, not moving a muscle. He felt his borther stir beside him, they always slept side to side. "Hey, you up?" Sky whispered in his ear. Mist twitched his ear as answer, fearing that if he spoke he would have waken up everyone. "I heard the upwalkers talk yesterday while everyone was sleeping." Sky's voice sounded scared and Mist knew something was troubling him. "Whats wrong?" Mist whispered back, looking around but luckily no one had woken up because of him. "They are going to seperate us Misty..." "What?!" Mist forgot to lower his voice and yelped, realizing too late that the others were still sleeping. Some of the pups stirred but they were still sound asleep. Mazie twitched an ear but seemed asleep too. 

I turned my head to look Sky in the eyes. "Are you sure?" "Yeah." Sky looked down, obviously sad. Mist felt the same, he and his brother were inseparable, so far they had always had each others backs. Sky was the only one that really still wanted to play with him, the others just followed him. Mist looked Sky in the eyes, "We will figure it out, they won't seperate us just jet. We aren't going anywhere for now."

Offcourse they had known they wouldn't stay with Mazie and her upwalkers for all their lives. Every pup knew that one day they would get a house and a pack of upwalkers of their own. But Mist and Sky had always thought they would be put in one together. Mazie moved and Mist flipped his tail at Sky to signal they should stop the conversation. Mazie looked at her pups and saw Mist and Sky were up. "Good morning you two," she whispered right before a big yawn. "Morning," Sky and Mist answered at the same time.

Mazie looked outside and then at the other pups. "It's time to wake up." Her soft voice woke up the rest of the pups and they stretched and yawned. Mist looked at Sky to make sure he wasn't still sad. But he had forgotten how good his brother was at disguising his feelings. Sky's eyes allready shone again. But Mist could feel he was still tense and unsecure.

Misty skyWhere stories live. Discover now