Open Up

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DongHo collapsed onto the bed in his dorm, wiping the sweat away from his eyebrows. Dance practise for 'Open Up' was harder than he thought, but it brought back memories from his time with NU'EST. He looked around his dorm, the neat, empty beds dampening his mood. He was the only one left in this dorm. He still remembered the first time he came here, they'd had to lay out a mattress  on the floor because the dorm had been packed with people. He remembered the nights spent joking around, singing together and chatting in bed. Yet here he was, alone.

It made him happy, of course, that he hadn't been eliminated yet, but his heart ached for the trainees who had been eliminated. Even though DongHo didn't seem like it, he had an extremely soft heart. He'd always shed a secret tear at all the eliminations for the eliminated. The ones who didn't make it. He was so deep in thought, he didn't realise that someone had come into the dorm until his bed dipped down.

DongHo's head jerked up and he stared at Daniel. What was Daniel doing here? He sat up and moved back until his back hit the wall. "What are you doing here?"

Daniel didn't say a word, his eyes roaming over DongHo. DongHo shivered, an unexplainably agitating feeling crawling up his spine. He slipped off the bed, backing away from Daniel and making a bee-line for the door. "I just remembered, I promised Haknyeon I'd help him with his singing." Daniel somehow made him feel extremely uneasy, and he didn't want to wait around to see what would happen. He smiled edgily at Daniel, then turned to open the door.

It was locked.

He laughed uneasily and reached out to open the lock with clammy hands. His hands slipped off the lock, and a sudden cough froze him. His mind turned blank as he finally felt the heavy gaze of Daniel on his back. He forgot the lock. He forgot his promise. He forgot everything.

The bed creaked, painfully loudly, as Daniel got up. Every step he made, DongHo's heart seemed to beat a little faster. A shadow cast over DongHo, and his eyes slid to the side, his whole body frozen. His lungs seemed to stop as he felt Daniel's hot breath tickle his ear, but as soon as he felt it, it was gone. He heard Daniel move into the bathroom and switch on the shower head. Then he returned. One hand slipped down DongHo's shirt, the other snaking towards his mouth. DongHo's muscles gave up on him as he was pulled away from the door and into the bathroom. 

DongHo could feel Daniel's hot hand travelling up and down his chest, his fingers teasing DongHo's nipples every now and then.


Hot water pelted down onto DongHo, and his heart began to race, breathy pants leaving his mouth. Daniel pulled his hand out of DongHo's shirt and let it slither down into DongHo's jeans. A moan escaped DongHo's mouth, and he grabbed onto the hand that was tracing his mouth. He let out another moan as Daniel's hand quickened, and then a soft grunt as he sagged against Daniel.

Daniel pulled his hand out of DongHo's jeans, a smirk on his face. He washed his hand under the shower head, then turned DongHo around to face him. The hot water was getting to DongHo, his face had gone a delicate shade of pink and he was panting instead of breathing. DongHo was only a few centimeters shorter than Daniel, yet he seemed to have shrunk a whole foot. Daniel grabbed onto DongHo's chin, pulling his face up. Their lips met, shocking DongHo into regaining his awareness, and he put up a fight as Daniel's tongue slid into his mouth. He bit down onto Daniel's tongue, and Daniel wrenched himself away from DongHo, a disbelieving expression settling on his face. A slow grin crawled onto his face, and he slammed DongHo into the wall, gripping onto his hair aggressively as he smashed their lips together again. Their lips moved in snyc, and DongHo found his hand moving up to hold onto Daniel. 

Daniel pulled away suddenly, leaving DongHo gasping for air. Daniel switched the shower to cold, then pulled DongHo out of the bathroom. He shoved DongHo down onto the bare mattress lying in the middle of the dorm, crawling on-top of him. DongHo raised his arms obediently as Daniel yanked his shirt off. Daniel was already shirtless, and he leant down to capture DongHo's lips into another kiss. He licked DongHo's lips, reaching down indecisively. "You wanna stop?"

Daniel's raspy voice sent shivers around DongHo's body and he shook his head eagerly. Daniel smiled, his eyes crinkling up as he traced two fingers over DongHo's muscles. "The fans sure did good in realising that you're sexy."

DongHo scoffed, poking at Daniel's chest, "I'm not as sexy as you though, am I?"

DongHo's jeans flew across the room and he groaned inwardly, imagining the mess he would have to clean up after. His thoughts got thrown away along with his boxers and he felt Daniel's fingers at his entrance. He gritted his teeth as a finger pushed in, igniting a burning fire in his abdomen. He tilted his head back, strangling the corner of the mattress as another finger was pushed into him. Daniel began pumping his fingers in and out of DongHo's entrance, lust clouding his mind at the low moans. He pulled his fingesr out, and lined himself up with DongHo's entrance, slowly pushing himself in. 

DongHo grunted, his toes curling up as he was slowly filled up. "Fuck-ahfuck! Stop mov-ah-it hurts!" He punched Daniel's chest in protest, gulping in air. "Why do you-ngh!"

DongHo's grunts soon turned into moans as Daniel thrust in and out of him. It was almost as if he was singing, his moans were that beautiful. Daniel came all too soon, as did DongHo, his cum splattering on his own chest. Daniel slowly pulled out of DongHo, leaning down to kiss him.

DongHo's mind was wiped blank, as he stared at the ceiling, "Wha-What just happened."

Daniel pressed another kiss to his lips, then wrapped DongHo up with a bedsheet from one of the empty beds. DongHo's eyes were already sliding shut, and he sighed, snuggling into the blanket. He would deal with Daniel and what they did when he woke up.

Daniel smiled down at DongHo, brushing stray hairs away from his face. "Sleep tight, sweetheart."

DongHo caught the words 'sweetheart', and a frown scrunched his face up. He mumbled curses at Daniel,but one of his hands reached out and latched onto Daniel's as he fell asleep. Daniel smirked, lying down next to DongHo, whispering; "My heart is only for you today."


i always wanted a dongho/daniel story but all the ones i found had dongho doing the doing so i decided to write my own. Hope it's decent. Also the video 👌👌. It's too sexy for my heart. 

Open Up// DongHo X Daniel ✔️Where stories live. Discover now