°·Chapter 24·°

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Yoongi started to notice something strange that has been happening as of late. That strange thing was his boyfriend being extremely secretive.

Some may say that he was just being paranoid and that his boyfriend was being quite normal. But Yoongi knew better, he knew, knows Taehyung better. And Taehyung was definitely hiding something.

The younger would get up extremely early, make breakfast for them both, dress up then give Yoongi a kiss goodbye and rush out the door. The older asked him on multiple occasion what was going on but he would just say he was hanging out with Jimin and Jungkook.

Yoongi was getting so annoyed that he had asked Namjoon if he noticed anything weird going on with Jungkook.

"Yea....now that you mentioned it, he doesn't text me as often and he's always busy. Ok I know we're busy with graduation preparations but still....that's too much..." The pink haired male frowned at the thought of his boyfriend being distant all of a sudden.

Yoongi definitely felt bad for bringing it up now. Namjoon was always insecure about his relationships after what happened back in high school. It was so hard watching his best friend fall apart like that. That was the day Yoongi vowed to protect the younger no matter what but that was another story.

"I'm sure it's nothing Joonie. Maybe he's just catching up on a couple of assignments. You always say to never wait on the week an assignment is due to actually start it." The shorter said matter of factly.

The younger laughed nodding his head.

"I did. But I'm just worried Hyung. I hope everything is ok."

"I'm sure it is Joonie."

'I hope.'


"Um Jimin....do we really need these?" Taehyung whispered out silently patting himself on the back for not stuttering because currently he and Jungkook were in a very embarrassing situation.
"Of you guys do! Do you think I would ever steer you guys wrong?" The shorter of the three asked with a smug kind of confidence.

"Yes." The two younger boys said in unison still staring at the items in the shopping cart.

"Whatever! You guys know nothing!" The older pouted as he pushed the cart along the isle.

"But we're the ones with boyfriends though." The youngest grumbled beside Taehyung making him snicker.

God he love his friends.

He and Jungkook had came up with the idea of doing something special for Yoongi and Namjoon after the graduation ceremony.

When Taehyung told the brunette what he wanted to do, Jungkook face was so red he thought the younger would explode. Then he remembered that Namjoon and Jungkook started dating like a week ago.

The poor bunny couldn't even look at his boyfriend without getting red after their group met up later that day.

Jungkook did think of something that Taehyung thought was just as good. So that's what they were currently working on with Jimin's help.

Let's hope everything goods well for the ceremony tomorrow and their surprise later.



"Taehyung, stop."

"I can't! Look at you!" The younger squealed taking picture after picture of the older in his graduation attire. Taehyung just couldn't help it.


Yoongi whined walking pass him into the living room to complain about his annoying boyfriend.

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