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She walked into the class and I again started staring at her and remembering all our good times. Her attitude , her smile , her behaviour, all were the same from childhood. I always think myself as a lucky person because I know her.

Our playing in the ground, I still remember how she used to be my wife and cooked food for me with mud and leaves.

Childhood memories are the best, atleast it was for me and Karan.

My first birthday as her friend was really special. She had gifted me a card where she had drawn a beautiful picture of us together.

I took that card out from my bag and saw it. I have kept all the things she has given me. They are precious for me. At first because of her friendship and now for the love I have for her.

I still remember our first fight which happened because of our siblings. Karan and Naina still fights like mad and in childhood we used to fight for them.

Obviously Meghna supported Karan. I think he is more her brother than mine! And Naina is more my sister than hers.

I was busying thinking all this when I realised the professor was calling my roll number.

When did he came? And where is Meghna?

I didn't said present and started scanning the class. She was sitting on the first bench.

"Mr Kunal Singh Chauhan if you are present in the class then why are you not replying to you roll call and scanning the class like an idiot you are?"

Prof Shah roared at me! Disadvantage of being the known boy in the college for both good and bad things.

"Sorry Sir!" I said and looked down. And from corner of my eyes I looked at her , she was not looking at me!

And the other student were looking at me like I'm a new species in this college.

"No need for sorry! And I'm not interested to teach this type of students who don't pay attention. You may leave the class boy!"

He said softly to me.

"I'm sorry Sir. This will not happen next time."

I didn't want to go. I want to stay in the class with her.


This time he shouted and there was no profit in talking now. So I took my belongings and walked from there.

In the way I crossed her seat. Her fragnance hit my nostrils making me smile again.

But she clearly ignored me!

I came outside and the Prof started his class. I could have went from there but how can I leave my topper there?

I stood there and looked at her. She was listening carefully to the lecture. Her long hairs were open and it was disturbing her when she was writing.

She was biting her pen occasionally which was making her more cute. Suddenly she looked towards the door. Our eyes met. I smiled at her like an idiot and she again looked away like I was no one.

I hate this when she ignores me!

And after the lecture was over , she took her bag and walked out with her friends. She went past me but didn't even cared to look at me!


I called her but she behaved like she didn't even listen to me!

This was really upsetting me so I went to the library. I wanted some silence to think.

MeghNal OSWhere stories live. Discover now