Chapter 7

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Hey guys how's it going hope ur enjoying meh book.

Harry's POV

We woke up early in the morning got changed and headed out the front to wait for the limo.

I still couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and I couldn't wait to visit Jay this will be fun!

Louis's POV

I can't wait to see Darcy and Phoebe I haven't seen my little sisters in ages I miss them lots but at the same time I couldn't wait to get away from them.

The limo arrived and of course Liam had to drive but we had to take turns because it's a 5 hour drive.

"Your finally awake" Liam said

"Yeah" He can be an idiot some times.

I was asleep on Harry, he flinched, I forgot he was a very light sleeper.

Harry's POV

"We are getting some snacks" I told Zayn and Liam" Want some"

"Nah we have got some" They answered.

We walked in the store having to hold hands because we are in the public, Harry went down every isle looking for the sweets and snacks, we grabbed some lollys and headed of, we were stopped by two girls.

"Larry Stylision"they screamed out.

"We have more L.S fans than I thought" I said to Harry.

"Yeah" he replied.

We took a picture with the girls, then headed off to the car.

I'll upload as much as I can because it's a long weekend

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