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Chapter 5


I told everyone to double check everything as there's no time for error. "I have to go sort something out ill be back". They all just nodded as they were to busy in what they were doing to take any notice. I took my revolver out of my pocket and stuck a silencer on top. It was time to take out snake number one. I was dressed all in black for tonight's mission so I then pulled my ski mask over my face and adjusted it to I could see properly.

I crept over to the car keeping in the shadows. I looked around to make sure the area was clear and that's when I walked over to the car. I tapped the window and then bent down. I was smiling to myself as the look of pure terror washed over the guys face. I didn't hesitate and put the gun up to the glass and pulled the trigger. It was silent but deadly. The only sound was of the glass shattering.The bullet had gone straight threw his head blood was splashed all over the front window.

I pulled out me phone and called up my boy John. He's always ready to get rid of a body for me. I told him what car it was and he need to hurry before someone sees it. And with that I ended the call and walked back to the house with a satisfied smile on my face muttering to my self "ahh to easy to easy indeed"


Ok here gos nothing this is it. Me and Aaron packed the car up and where ready to go. Everything was set up. James killed that fella that was watching the house. while the rest of us did finally touches to the guns. James came back with a satisfactory smile on his face. "well them fuckers don't know what's about to hit them" we all laughed and got into our chosen vehicles. The two vans went ahead and I followed in the car.

It was kinda awkward sitting here next to Aaron as we kinda have a past of hooking up. What I'm a girl I have needs to. I feel James did this on purpose. I was trying to distract myself with anything. thinking about me and Aaron was better when thinking about how I could get killed in the next hour.

Aaron finally broke the silence. "so how ya feeling about all this" I felt like killing him the one thing I didn't want to talk about. "how the fuck do you think I feel I could die in the next hour and soo could you" i snapped at him. then there was a pause for a few moments before he started talking again "well sorry for asking... its not my fault your PMSing is it?" omg I'm going to kill this fucking kid. " what the actual fuck you stupid asshole!! YOU DON'T NO ANYTHING ABOUT ME SO SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH OR IMA KILL YOU RIGHT HERE AND NOW" I screamed and I could feel my face heat up from all the anger. Yes you could say I'm a very short tempered person but he had no right to say anything like that.

But he knew I was dead serious I would kill him and not feel one bit bad about it. I don't no what I ever seen in him.yes he's good looking but god is he annoying. After a few really long moments he spoke again "sorry I was only trying to lighten the mood" I just gave him a death glare and he knew to shut the fuck up. I then turned on the radio so he could talk again and when I did he knew this "conversation" was over. Note the sarcasm.

After about 10 minutes of driving we arrived just near the ware house. I pulled up to the secluded area were we parked. I popped the boot open and all the boys ran out of the van to quickly put there protection on. I got my ski mask and place it on top of my head not pulling it over my face just yet and secured my hair in place so it wouldn't fall out. I checked the guns and handed each person there own. now that that's all done time to kill these mother fuckers.


Joe what do you mean leave the plan for tonight what if they show up were defenceless. "calm done justin fuck sake" "no I won't fucking calm down!! you asked for my help so I came here to give it to you and I'm telling you now that if you leave this plan for tonight their gonna come I can feel it" I was now pacing back and forward tugging at the tips of my hair clenching my jaw in anger. "justin we'll be fine I'm telling you" "well I'm telling you IM GONNA PROTECT ME AND MINE" and I pointed towards my boys "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU DO NOW YOU CAN GO AND GET YOU AND YOUR SHIT HEADS KILLED BUT YOU WON'T BE GETTING MY BOYS KILLED" I screamed I could fell the blood pumping around my body I wanted to kill joe right now.

I stood there with me hands by my side clenched into fists. joe seemed shocked at my sudden out burst. "fine ill call the guys who'll be on watch out side they should be here in about an hour happy?" I nodded and he left the room. I turned toward my boys and told them whats about to happen. "right I don't give a fuck what that asshole says I'm here to protect you my brothers and I have a feeling there coming I can just feel it so I want you to go and get as many guns as you can ready and meet me back down here ASAP" they all grunted in agreement and headed towards the room where all the guns and things we shipped was kept.

I sat there thinking of a new plan. As that asshole joe makes plans and doesn't do them. no wonder he's only second I'm actually shocked at how he's that high up with strategies like this. I was interrupted by my thoughts by the sound of cars I looked out the window and seen they weren't any of joes cars and I quickly screamed for the boys "BOYS ITS TIME NOWW!!!"

sorry if I'm dragging this out but the next chapter will reveals all !!

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