All of me

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A new start. That's what I needed. I wanted to get away from home and leave all the horrible things that happened in the past.

I took another sip on my coffee, as I sat by the window in Starbucks watching people walk by. I found it interesting that every person had their own story. some rushing to
work, others going to see a family member or a friend.

I found it comforting to just let my mind wander while I sat there. London had been my big break away plan and I was finally here. Okay, the circumstances of coming here weren't as planed for but I was here now, and that's all that mattered. I ran away from home. I thought back from the day as I was close to being caught.

(Recap) Tears streamed down my face as my mother and father were screaming a each other, I sat there frozen unable to move. They fought over my father drinking habits that he was unable to control. I jump at the sudden sound of a glass bottle hit the floor that my mother have thrown.

"John, how many fucking times have I told you not to drink, its getting out of control"! anger spilling out of my mothers mouth. "Linda, your not my fucking mother" my dad replied. I couldn't take the fighting anymore I climbed the stairs heading for my bedroom.

I'd grown immune to my parents lack of interest in me. I was so use to the arguments and fighting but it was getting out of hand. I stepped into my room and sat on my bed. I glanced around myself, looking at the blank white walls and the single wooden chest drawers. I kicked off my boots and bent down and reaching under my bed pulling out a big sports bag I had.

I throw it onto my bed and waked to my drawers pulling out some of my favorite tops, jumpers, shorts, trousers and stuffing them into the bag. I then collected my essentials and put them in the bag as well. I take a final glace around the room making sure I didn't miss anything. I check the time, 9:53pm. better get some rest got a early morning ahead of me. I grab the bag a stuff it underneath the bed a pull back the blanket and crawl into bed falling fast asleep.

The next morning I woke up at 3:00am grabbed my bag from under the bed and stepped out of my bedroom door into the hallway. I walked down the stairs as quiet as possible trying not to wake my disgusting dad who had beer bottles all on the coffee table by the couch. What a surprise I sarcastically said in my head. a snore came from his mouth notifying that he was still sleep. Good, I turned and walked into his study going in the drawer entering the password and grabbed £100 notes. I slipped the envelope in my handbag. sliding both bags on my shoulder I quickly slipped on my boots and opened the front door.

it was the middle of January, and a icy blizzard hit are town. I smiled as I was going to close the front but the door was jammed. Are house was in need of a new door for years. I was getting pissed, that the door had to jam as I was about to be free from my worries. Damn Door, Why do this NOW?!

it was one way to close and it had to be done. I slammed the door with all my force, as I slammed it shut my eyes shut close suddenly all my weight is pulled back and I'm thrown to the ground on my back. I was dusting the snow off of me when I hear "ISABEL" the voice roared through the house. SHIT! I turned and fled for my life, there is no wondering what he would have done if I was still at the front door. I ran and ran down the street as fast as I could go, I felt like I was a track star! when I finally figured out I was two blocks away from Maryland train station I slowed down.

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