Writing The Joker

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I found this while in Tumblr and found the post so helpful because this is your I want to write the Joker but never knew how to put it into words and I feel like every Joker fanfic writer should read this so my girls out there: _Simba__ wollff you guys are already the best in the biz but I thought you'd appreciate this as much as I do

okay so heres the thing, lately I've been reading a lot of joker imagines and I've seen this a few times and I thought I should just say something bc I thought it might help the writers and the readers would enjoy it more. Oh and THIS IS GOING FOR ALL THE JOKERS, NOT JUST A CERTAIN ONE. So here we go.

The Joker is absolutely completely without a doubt INCAPABLE of FEELING LOVE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. If you've seen the movies or tv shows, you would've known how mentally gone he is. He has absolutely no remorse for ANYTHING he does, no sympathy, no regret. He cannot feel anything but Anger, Happiness or Frustration. Maybe sometimes Self-Pity when Batman ruins his plans. But Happiness is his default emotion. Anger is his backup emotion. That is how he works. I'm re-writing some of this and when I first posted this I said he was 100% without a doubt unable to cry. But I think I'm wrong because the Joker in Suicide Squad is seen with streaks down his face in the "Where is she?" scene. But, I do still believe that he can't feel sad and I think that he would only cry out of Anger or Frustration or when Batman destroys his plans that he worked really hard on, he would probably be feeling a huge amount of Self-Pity, but that would probably turn into anger/frustration/or his insanity would take over and he would go and like take it out on people. But it wouldn't be often that he cries. Now, since he cannot do or feel these 3 things, (Love like a normal person, Cry out of sadness or Feel Sad), you may be wondering how the hell are you supposed to be able to write fluffy imagines about him. Well, while we feel love, he feels Obsessed. That is his version of love. Obsession. (And I don't mean obsession like, he keeps you locked in some room and doesn't let you out and treats you like an animal. I mean, he craves you. He would destroy anyone and anything to get to you. He's crazy about you. You keep him "sane". He's obsessed with you.) Now this doesn't mean that imagines about him can't cute or romantic or fluffy. It just means that he would never say "I love you." Because he doesn't. But he still cares deeply about the reader. He is obsessed with them. Obsessed with protecting them. Obsessed with keeping them. And yes, I guess this in some way could be love, but you have to remember he doesn't really understand love. He doesn't understand the feeling or why people say it. And because of that deep down inside, some part of him is always going to care more about himself than the reader. His plans will ALWAYS come first. That is just who he is. And if you're going to write about such a complex and unique character, you have to understand this. He will never be able to say sorry, because he doesn't feel remorse. But he will feel bad, even if he doesn't show it, in his own weird way. He'll apologize without saying he's apologizing or sorry. Probably something like: "I understand why you're mad and I get it, and I know I should probably do better. Please don't stay mad at daddy, dollface." That is something along the lines of what he would say. He is also extremely possessive and you can use this to make multiple imagines or fanfics about him. He is protective up to a certain point. He's not gonna baby you. If you're dating him, you need to know some self-defence. He's protective of you, and he's thinking about your safety, but he's also thinking about himself. And how will this effect him. He will also say "dirty" things, but not mean them in a dirty way, so it doesn't always have to end up in smut. He will say daddy or kiss you roughly or slap your ass or breath heavily or tell you to sit on his lap, in a perfectly normal way without him suggesting at something dirty. That's who he is. It's apart of his character. You have to understand that. Again, this is for both Heath Ledger's Joker and Jared Leto's Joker. Any Joker. They're all the same person with the same personality. Basically before I wrap this up just remember this:

1) The Joker is absolutely incapable of feeling any sort of Love like a NORMAL person, Sadness and he's fully unable to Cry out of sadness because he doesn't feel sadness. (It would be more like heavy Self-Pity, but that would turn into anger too) He feels no HEAVY remorse. (I guess he must feel a LITTLE if he feels bad for hurting you)

2) His version of Love is Obsession.

3) You can still write really cute and fluffy and romantic imagines about him, you just have to remember he would never say "I love you". Probably something like "You complete me" "I need you" "You keep me sane" "You're my favourite girl. My only girl." "You're my one and only." One of these, or all of them, would be his substitute for "I love you". (Though this doesn't mean the reader can't say it, I think they would and he would either say "I know, princess" or kiss them or just respond with one of those)

4) He will say dirty things very normally and this will not lead to sex all the time. It is apart of his character. The reader will be able to call him "daddy" or kiss him roughly or sit on his lap normally, because that would be a normal part of their relationship.

5) Overall the Joker will probably always care about himself and his plans more. But to some extent, you will be his weakness. For certain things at least. But he will do mostly anything for you, because he's so obsessed with you and keeping you happy and apart of him needs you. Not a huge or big part, but a small part of him, that he's tried very hard to push away, needs you. And losing you would kill another part of him. Not all of him. Just a small part of him. But he is insane. More insane than normal insane. He's overally sane. And therefore it's very hard for him to care about others, because he is not used to it. You have to remember, he's been insane for so long. The main point is the Joker is very complex and hard to write about, but it's not even that hard as long as you actually understand who you're writing about. Keep this in mind and writing about him will be a breeze. I really hope this helped someone bc it took me a while to write all this, but I think I did a pretty good job. (P.S, the reader doesn't always have to be crazy themself you know. She could be completely normal, just okay with the fact that she's dating the joker. This would be cool bc you'd be able to write a lot of imagines about him teaching them how to use guns and showing them his business and him telling them all his stories and them being so fascinated bc they've never heard anything like them.)

Posted by Paradiqe

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