Chapter 2- The pizza place

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Jaclyn's POV

After I got all the rest of my things out of my locker I went to say good bye to the lunch ladies. "Goodbye Sally, you lunches this year were amazing!". I always had a close relationship with these ladies for some odd reason. I guess it was because they were the only people that liked me except for Carter.

"Goodbye Jaclyn! Have a good summer!!". Said Sally.

"Tell Chad I say hi." Chad is Sally's Muslim husband.

"Okay bye girly."

With that I was ready to get the heck out of this dumb school for 3 months.

While I was walking out of school I ran into Carter. "Hey" he said.


"Do you want to go to a pizza place with me for lunch?"

Well I was going to walking home and listen to some big time rush, but I guess I can go."

"Okay, if you want to walk and I can just meet you there then."

"Alright sounds good. Which place are we going to?" I asked.

"Do you want to go to Boys Eat Pizza or nah?"

I am pretty sure that is the one that bad boy Dallas owes but I said I could go so I guess I have to agree now. "That's fine and I'll text you when I am close."

"Peace out Jaclyn". And with that he left and I could listen to my BTR in peace.


The whole time I was walking there it felt like someone was following me. But when I looked back no one was there. I guess I am just paranoid. I decided I should text Carter now since I was close.

To Carter:

I am about 1 block away. will you meet me outside???

To Jaclyn:

Can you please just come inside I am in the middle of a conversation with brooke. She will shoot me if I leave her for you. 🔫🔫 No offense :)

Wow I can't believe she won't even let him meet me outside what a betch move! Gosh I wished she died in a hole.


I finally made it to this dumb pizza place. I don't even know if I want to go in anymore. I probably should since Carter is expecting me.

I looked behind me and I saw a guys with a hammer chasing me. I didn't know what to do so I ran inside the pizza place and looked for the nearest restroom. I saw the sign and ran for my life. I dove and I look up and saw pots and pans on the ceiling.

"What the actual frick?". I thought. crap I am in a kitchen.

Then it looked over and saw the guy I hated the most...cameron dallas! I have to say he is a hot lad. he was spreading pizza sauce on the pizza dough.

I looked away and heard "frick". And I looked back and saw he sauced himself. It looked like he had his period and he forgot to put a tampin or materus on. next thing I know I am laughing so hard I peed my pants. fudge fudge fudge



"Hi cameron". I said while trying to cover up the pee on the floor.

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