It's Not That Scary ~ Chapter 3

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"I'm so so sorry"

"I know I can't change Dean's opinion, but I might know a way to get you on his good side." Just maybe my plan would work and Dean would realize that Jack was on our side, and not just plotting to kill us. "Jack, do you trust me?" I asked to be sure he would go through with this plan no matter how cruel Dean decided to be to him. "Yes, I trust you Lexi." "Okay good, because I have a plan that will probably work." "Okay, I'm listening." "Good, we're gonna go on that hunt tomorrow. I know that Dean likes effort, so maybe if he sees you helping us kill the bad guys he'll think better of you! I get it if you just want to stay here in the bunker while they go becau-" "Sounds good, I understand. Just go and help you defeat the bad guys." "Yep, and not get killed or taken in the process. Now, I also have something to introduce you to..." "What is it?" "Scary movies! Okay so take your pick Lights Out or The Babadook."I wanted to start him out easy, these ones weren't that scary to me... more like suspenseful. He thought for a moment before picking my favorite, "The Babadook." 

I went over to my TV and turned the movie on. I absolutely loved this movie even if it was a couple years old now. I pulled a blanket over the both of us and pulled the pillow under my chin. Jack seemed really interested in the movie, although he didn't jump at the jumpscares like I did even though I've watched it so many times that I knew what was gonna happen. Sam walked in and I screamed. 

"WHOAH what the hell Lex! It's just me!" My heart was about to beat right out of my chest. Sam literally came in during the biggest jumpscare of the whole movie so I was already on edge. "Jesus... Sam, you scared the living daylights out of me!" "Oh sorry, I just wanted to know If you were still coming with us on the hunt tomorrow." That's when Jack spoke up, "Yep, we'll both be in the car by ten... Just like Dean said." I could tell that Sam hadn't noticed he was in the room until just now. Oh good lord, he was probably gonna joke about something sexual between me and Jack and I'd never hear the end of it. But I was wrong, "Lex are you showing Jack horror movies!?" "Maaaaaayyyyybe," I got the classic Sam Winchester bitch face for that response. "What! It's just the Babadook, it's not even that scary!" Sam just rolled his eyes, "It seemed to be scary when I walked in" "Oh shut up you moose!" I threw a pillow at his head and he just laughed and turned to leave. "Night Lex, night Jack" "Night!" I yelled back. Soon we just went back to watching the movie.

~Small timeskip because Liv read Twist and Shout~

The movie had finished and we were both half asleep. I sighed and got up, I just wanted to lay there but the tv wasn't going to turn itself off and I still had to change into night clothes. I grabbed one of Sam's old shirts that I would wear to bed and my shorts and went into the bathroom to change. I came out and shook Jack a little to wake him up so that he could go to bed in his own room. "Jack...Jack...Jack! Wake up you have to sleep in your own room you doofus" I whisper-yelled "Why can't I just stay here?" "Because if you were gonna sleep in my bed every night you wouldn't have gotten your own room" He sighed and got up letting me win this round. "Goodnight Lexi." He just stood there in the doorway looking at me. "What is it? Awww do you want me to throw a pillow at you too?" I laughed and he joined in a little. "I'll pass for tonight." And then he left me alone in my dark little room. Soon enough I fell asleep but not before remembering what both of us would have to endure from Dean tomorrow.

Jack's POV: 

I left Lexi's room and headed into my own. It was weird having to be without her for a night. I didn't understand it, but I felt a pull to her. Maybe it was like the bond she mentioned Dean had with Castiel. Wait, Castiel... He was the answer! Sure going hunting might help but the best way to get Dean to like me was to bring his best friend back. I don't know exactly how praying works but I tried my best and just hoped as hard as I could that Castiel would come back to Earth alive. I changed into the shirt Sam had said that was to be worn at night and I laid down. Tomorrow was going to be tough, but all that mattered was that Dean didn't hurt  Lexi anymore. It was awful to watch them fight, they seemed so close but I was tearing them apart. Soon my eyes got droopy and I fell asleep knowing that it would only be short compared to how long the others tended to sleep.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter. If you have any ideas for where this story should go, or if you want to see something happen I'm always open! Keep reading ~Lex 💖 


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