New students

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One word. School. The one word everyone dreads.

Class is almost over, I thought looking at the clock. Almost there, just one more minute and then I get to go to my favorite class, music. I look at the teacher and she says, "Class with be dismissed as soon as the bell rings"


Everyone jumps out of their seats and run out the classroom, me included. I race down the hallway to Music class. I always race my friends Nari and Sheona there even though most of the time it's just me and Nari. I must get there first, I think hoping I get there before Nari. "Ha", I let out a small laugh because I got there first this time around. Minutes later Nari enters and we both look at the board to see what we are doing today.

The board said, 'Sit down quietly and Do not break into your groups. Wait for me to arrive and I will give you further instructions' ~ Ms. Baek

We did as the board said and sat down waiting for Ms. Baek to come. A couple minutes later she arrives with 7 unfamiliar boys.

"Class these 7 boys are new to this school. Please introduce yourselves to the class." She said with a sweet smile on her face that always make you feel welcomed.

"My name is  Kim Namjoon", Dimple boy says. "I'm Jung Hoseok", The one that looks like a ball of sunshine says. " Min Yoongi"The tired one says. "Hi I'm  Kim Taehyung" A guy with a boxy grin say. As they went on I heard  all there names and the rest were, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin, and Park Jimin. The teacher told them to take a seat and then said that today music is a free period for us. We all cheered. I looked at the new kids, one of them looked at me and I noticed that he had this look in his eyes. This look that he saw something no normal kid would have seen. A look that I used to have all the time. You see I'm a black witch which means I practice magic. I am the only one in this part of town though. Maybe-- Nah they can't be part of the magic world it's impossible.

The bell rang causing me to stop staring at those boys. I left quickly because if I didn't, eomma would get mad and my sister, Alanis would tease me about getting my ass kicked.

As I raced home because my house is in walking distance of the school, I think of  all the scenarios that could happen when I get home. Alanis might be home because she is in college now. Eomma is probably going to be home in maybe two hours tops without traffic and my step-father is probably home right now. I get home.

I got in and went straight to my room not saying a word to my step-father that was sitting on the couch watching tv

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I got in and went straight to my room not saying a word to my step-father that was sitting on the couch watching tv.

I got in and went straight to my room not saying a word to my step-father that was sitting on the couch watching tv

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I go into the lounge area in my room and put my stuff down to start my homework. I hear my phone vibrating at look down at it.

Mom: Tell me is your sister home yet cause if she isn't I'm gonna kick her ass.

She's not home yet and I think she may be out with some friends today :Me

Mom: You tell her to come home right now. I am on my way home and if she is no there she is grounded. She should not be out when there are witch hunters out there.

Kk :Me

I text Alanis to come home and then finish my homework. I relax for a little bit then text my mom that I am going to the "den", which is pretty much our meet up place if any hunters come or the place where we put  all our "witchy" stuff. I took out my favorite potions book and go to my favorite page. It was a picture reanimation potion. I carefully got the ingredients together and made the potion. I took a picture out of the book and poured some of the potion onto it. It was one of my favorite memories of when my father and grandparents were alive. They both got killed by hunters one day but I don't like to think about that because it brings back bad memories. I put the picture back in the book and go to my room after I finish watching the memory. I don't feel like having dinner so I skip it and go to bed after taking a shower. I try to get some sleep even though I know that I will get nightmares tonight. Something about those boys seem familiar but what?

Life Turned Upside Down (a BTS x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now