Dear stranger

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Dear stranger ,

This is my first letter.

It feels weird writing to a person that i do not know , but maybe there is someone out there who is kind and would listen to me for once. i like to believe that these kind of people do exist.

I try to define myself but i struggle.

Ive never fit in this world.

I see things , i keep quiet about them and i understand. I'd like to say that i am a wallflower but isnt everybody?,well thats for you to decide.

Im not sure.

Writing is boring, and hard and weird i mean why would you write down things you could say , but then again its not like people in china can hear you, but they can read....... Weird comparison.

I have no idea what i just wrote.

Im obssesed with quotes, i live life by them , when you dont have many friends you learn to make alliances with books.

Its kind of a new thing, you know reading...well for me at least.

I had a friend who i used to vent too.

He hung himself.

Not because of me though.

One day when we were sitting at home , finishing our D.T project , he asked me ' are you happy?'

Me being the confused boy i am , said ' well im not happy but i cant say im sad because other people have it worse right?? '

He replied with,'wrong.Since happiness is subjective, if you think you're unhappy then nobody has it worse than you.'

That was the last day I saw him.

He Hung himself.

Is this world really that cruel? Caused someone to end their life.

No one really knows why he killed himself.

I knew that he was a wallflower,and thats not for you to decide.

Love always,



My chapters are short and they suck cause let's be honest I can't write for shitttt

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