~Chapter 1~ She's The Next One

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A mage. That is what you are, and all you ever will be. You're a mage that lives in Japan, and you spend most of your time (pretending) telling fortunes in a little shop downtown. You rarely ever spend time with anyone, except for your close friend, Elizabeth, who wasn't exactly... The sharpest tool in the shed. She had spent the last ten minutes to try and convince to go on a date with some guy.

"Come on (N/N)!" She begged imploringly. "Me and Gregory are coming too, if that makes you feel any better." Elizabeth gestured to your other friend.

"Why do I have to do this?" The blonde boy asked her.

"I told you before," You told her. "I don't have time for romantic relationships."

Your raven-haired friend stared at you with her big, orange eyes and tried with all her might to look sad like a puppy begging for a treat. You just gave her a blank stare as she tried to convince you.

"Fine, I'll do it." Elizabeth beamed with joy as you said those words. "On one condition: you can't try and make me and my 'date' become a couple. Deal?"

"Deal!" She jumped happily. "See you at six thirty!"


You wait at the designated spot in front of the beach. You don't know why you were here of all places.

But this beach was special to you, you and your friends would all come here to walk along the shore and collect shells. You remember that time Gregory picked up a small crab and showed it Elizabeth to scare her. Those times were great, but now you were all grown and had other things to do. Back then, it was just you, Elizabeth, Gregory, and -

"Surprise!" You hear Elizabeth chirp as you turn around.

"Julian!?" You exclaim.

"In the flesh!" Exclaimed your childhood friend. "What'd I miss?"

"A lot!" You said as you embraced him tightly. You haven't seen Julian in four years, but you could still recognize him.

You had spent hours on the beach with your friends, just talking and and throwing sand at each other. Night soon started to close in, and cloaked the beach in an elegant darkness only lit by the silver moon in the sky. You waved goodbye to your friends as you think about how long it's been since you were all together.

Julian's family lived in England, and they were also mages like you. He had to return home for... Something. He never actually told you why he had to go home for awhile, but you had a feeling as to why. You were so sad for him during that time.

You were deep in thought when-


The sound of a trash can falling over scared you out of your skin. You hear someone saying something in the alleyway ahead of you.

"... Don't mess... shut up... hand over your wall... anything else!?"

All you could hear was snippets of the conversation as you slowly looked down the alleyway and saw these three thugs talking to a nicely dressed guy who seemed too busy checking his phone to care that these guys were trying to pick a fight with him.

"Hey!" One of them shouted at the guy. "Are you listening, wise guy!?" The guy looked up from his phone and shoved it in his pocket, drawing his attention back to the three thugs.

"Sorry, what were you saying? My texts were more important than you three stooges." He told them, pushing up his red framed glasses. The thugs looked really offended, and their faces twisted with anger as one of them shoved the guy into the wall. You panicked and your thoughts started racing, your body took control of itself and you walked over to them.

"Hey," You called, getting their gaze on you. "What are you doing?"

"Mind your own business, girly." One of them addressed you, he looked oddly familiar. "Or I'll have to hurt you."

"Is your name Takahashi?" You asked him.

He raised an eyebrow, and backed up a few steps. "Yeah, what's it to you?" He said defensively.

"Oh, I thought you'd remember-"

"Shut up, enough of the small talk!" He grabbed your collar and yelled in your face.

"Now, let's be smart here," you tried to calm him down. "All though, that must be hard for you."

"Why, you-"

"I guess you don't remember me." You continued. "I'm the girl who kicked you in the face twice in the tenth grade for beating up a defenseless kid." As soon as you said that, Takahashi let go of your collar with a horrified expression and ran away, apologizing as he ran with his goons following him. You let out a sigh of relief as you turned to the guy with the glasses.

"You okay?" You asked.

"I'm fine, miss." He answered. "Thank you, even though I didn't need your help, but thank you anyway!"

"Uh... You're welcome...?"

"Allow me to introduce myself," he continued. "The name's Lawless, little lady."

"Uh... I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

He seemed to be thinking deeply about something, it was like he was studying you, until you broke the awkward silence. "Are you sure you're okay?" You questioned.

"I'm completely fine, why?"

"Nevermind." You dismiss your thoughts. "Sorry, about them, I mean."

"It's just how the world is, it's full of scum like that, even in the most nicest of places. And, no matter how hard we try to get rid of people like that, they just keep coming back." He tells you in a dark tone, you just stare at him as he tilts his head, looking confused. "You think I'm weird, don't you?

"No," you assure him. "You're just kinda'... Bizarre."


"In a good way, I mean."

"Well, I can't thank you enough for coming to my rescue!" He says dramatically. "I hope we meet again, Miss (L/N)!" He exclaimed as he began to casually walk in the opposite direction and waved his ringed hand at you as he turned the corner.

"Er, bye...?" You parted with him as you walked home. He's really... Something. You thought.


(Y/N) (L/N), huh? Lawless thought. She's no actress or celebrity but... She intrigues me, and she's seems much more entertaining compared to my current eve...

He pushed up his glasses and smiled mischievously.

She's the next one.

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