Kagirinai Koduko (A Naruto Fanfiction)

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Well, I kind of lost inspiration with my last Naruto fanfiction since it's SOOOOO much like other fanfictions on Wattpad. Also I kind of got annoyed at my characters. So here is another idea that has swarming around my mind!!! It's a look into a dark side of Naruto... I think... This is kind of going to be from a point of view that hears about the characters of Naruto and later they will meet them... but not now... Hopefully this won't make anyone depressed~ <3  ^.^ The first chappy is a prologue of her looking back at her life. The next ones will be her childhood and the visits between the two of my OCs.





            Darkness, emptiness, loneliness… That is what used to make up my entire existence. My entire life was sitting in a door less room with floors of dirt and walls of brick; the only light would come from a sliding metal window when it was open.

            The opening was only around one foot by half a foot, it was situated ten feet into the air, and it was the only way out. How I even got here in the first place I do not know, most likely the underground room was built around me as an infant…

            The window brought only sounds from the outside and once a day someone would throw some food down through it. The people were all cold and would insult me in a heart beat… it hurt me… “Why was I treated that way” is what I would ask myself day in and day out. I never did anything wrong… no… I wasn’t even given the chance to do something wrong… I had no memories of the outside… no memories of being out in the light… I didn’t even know what I looked like…

            The only thing that brought a warm feeling into my chest was Ai… She was my personal sun and the highlight of my miserable existence. Even if I knew my destiny I couldn’t help but love her.

            She was my older twin and the other part of my soul… we were complete opposites. She was the sun, I the moon… she was filled with happiness and an optimistic while I was empty… her life… me death… That was our existence… the times I spent with her were the best in my life… Yet I was greedy I never wanted my sun to leave me all alone anymore. But all things have to come to an end at some point. For my destiny was to become evil… and kill my sun…

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2012 ⏰

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