Is this fate? part 1///JiGyu

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SMut AlERt BeWAre For MY HeLLa SucKS aT WRitTInG tHiS. and yes its separated to two or three parts... this parts still no smut but well...the next part will be hot *smirk*


Mingyu took out a deep breath, he took his bag and walk to the door.

"I'm off! " he said and left his home, nobody answering.

His parents are busy so he usually alone. He getting used to the loneliness. He left with nobody at home and come back home and found he is only with himself again. It's like his daily routine, doing all things alone.

(back to present time)

Mingyu went to the buss stop and took a buss to the university. He went to the Pledis University, like a university for music students. He took a sing department, with hip-hop genre. He like to rapping or singing when he is bored. So he enjoying it.

Mingyu went to his class, after putting his bag at a random chair he went to his secret base, an unused room and the back of university. He usually practicing his raps and singing there. When he opened the door, he startled. He found someone else there. Black haired man sleep on the small table there. Books and papers are filling the table, some of them fell too. Mingyu just sit silently, letting the mysterious guys sleeping. He took out his earphone and listening to a song while waiting for the bell.

He stare at the sleeping man. 'Such a pale skin he had... ' said Mingyu, whispering to himself. He observe the sleeping man more. Such a cute figure he has. Tiny body, tiny eyes, tiny lips.

Mingyu move closer to the sleeping man. He look at the sleeping man closely. He touch the sleeping man's hair. Stroke it softly and chuckling. The sleeping man suddenky awake and stare Mingyu with a cute confused yet sleepy face. Mingyu fell for the view and keep stroking his hair.

Suddenly the sleeping man stare Mingyu with such a deadly stare.

"Get off your fucking hand from my head you dickhead" he said.

Startled with the sudden change, Mingyu fell in silence anf get off his hand, "Sorry... " he said and look down.

"You are so cute, i can't insist. " said Mingyu bluntly.

The sleeping man shook, he took a book that nearest to him and throw it to Mingyu.

"WHOA! WHY? " shout Mingyu and defend himself from the book attack.

"WHAT THE FUCK? YOU THINK I'M CUTE? GO TO HELL YOU DICKHEAD" the black haired man keep attacking Mingyu with books.

Mingyu run to the black haired man and hold his hand then push him to the wall. The black haired man lose, the height difference between them can show that Mingyu has a stronger body than him. They fell in silence.

Mingyu realised that their position kinda arousing. But he keep holding the mysterious man's hand tightly.
"I... I'm Kim Mingyu... what's your- ouch! "

Before he finished his setences, the black haired man step on Mingyu's feet hardly. Mingyu loosen his grip and the black haired man trying to escape. Mingyu try to catch him, and success. But they fell on the ground, Mingyu on the top, his face almost touching with the black haired man's.

Mingyu notice a paper under his hand on the floor. There is a name written on it, 'Lee Jihoon'.

"Jihoon? "

"Fuck off. You big shitty thing, get off from me."

"No. "

"What the-"

"I didn't mean too really. "

"Then, fuck off. "

"Wai- whoa! "

Mingyu hand slipped and he completely fell on Jihoon. His lips touching something that warm and soft. They keep in that position for few seconds.

Mingyu realised and get up, panicked. He kissed Jihoon. Jihoon face turn into a red one, his face shook.

"A... Again i didn't mean to... really sorry... "

Jihoon get up and left without saying anything, left his things at the room.

Mingyu hit himself, "Oh shit. I hope this is a dream. "

He keep hitting himself, hoping it's only a dream. But well, it's not.

"Argh... and now his things are filling this room...i should tidy it and give it to him later and saying sorry department is he?"

Mingyu started to picking up Jihoon's papers. He scanning through the papers. It's lyric papers.

'Lee Jihoon,
Producing Songs (Producers) department' (a/n : lol idk)

"Producer? whoa! it's cool! "

"Argh. shut up Kim Mingyu, you already kissed him on the first meeting. ugh. "

The bell rang, he fasten his movements and run to the class with hands full of Jihoon's books and papers.

Mingyu panting, it's so heavy. As he arrived to his class he put all of the things on the table, "How in the world he bring all of this? " .

"Hey, Gyu! "

"Hm? "

A brownish-haired man throw a flashdisk to him, Choi Seungcheol aka S.Coups. Mingyu catch the flashdisk, confused.

"Can you turn it back to the Producers department? to Lee Jihoon, and say thanks to him for me. " said Seungcheol and left from the class.


No answer, Mingyu look at the flashdisk at his hand. Shook.

"Wait... Lee Ji- WHAT THE?? "

The lecturer came in but Mingyu still shook in his place.

"Kim Mingyu, please take a sit. " said the lecturer to Mingyu in calm tone.

"Hm? ah! Sorry! " said Mingyu, startled.

Mingyu take a seat and fell silent again. Thinking what should he do when facing Jihoon. He sighing.

"Ugh, such a messed up day huh? " he said and chuckling to himself.


--- To be continued to part 2---

argh sorry for not updating in such a long time! (ಥ_ಥ)

hope you guys not missing me (lol)

sorry for the sucks in english, its been a pretty long time since i write las time...

this story so messed up, im so sleepy and in hurry so sorry if its so messed up.

see ya at the next chapt! i will updating soon with a longer part!


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