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abandon: 1. a lack of control or restraint 2. loss of inhibitions 3. exuberance 4. surrender to one's natural impulses

abbreviation: 1. a shortened form of a name, phrase or word 2. the act of shortening something

ability: 1. the capacity to do something 2. a skill or talent in a specific area

abnormal: 1. strange 2. not usual or typical 3. not what is considered to be normal

abolish: 1. to get rid of in an official way 2. to put an end to 3. to completely destroy

abridge: 1. to make something shorter while keeping the same meaning 2. to condense 3. to reduce

abrupt: 1. brusque or curt in behaviour or speech 2. unexpected or sudden, most often in an unpleasant or shocking way 3. steep

absorb: 1. to incorporate something 2. to soak up or suck up something 3. to gradually take something in

abstract: 1. not concrete; not related to a physical object or real event 2. expressing or showing feelings instead of real objects or people 3. difficult to understand because of its complexity 4. theoretical

abundance: 1. an extremely large quantity of something 2. a quantity that is considered to be more than enough

academic: 1. related to school or scholarly subjects 2. theoretical; not practical 3. scholarly; good at studying

accelerate: 1. to speed up 2. to go faster 3. to make something happen or to happen at a quicker rate than normal

access: 1. a way of entering or exiting a place 2. the right or permission to use, approach, or enter something or somewhere 3. the act of approaching

accessory: 1. an object that is added to another in order to make it more useful or attractive 2. a person that helps another person commit a crime, but who does not actually take part in the crime

accommodate: 1. to do a favour or oblige someone 2. to supply 3. to provide space for people to stay or to be 4. to adapt or to make suitable

accommodation: 1. lodgings used for travellers 2. a place to stay or live

accompaniment: 1. something that accompanies something or someone else 2. music that accompanies a singer or the main tune

accompany: 1. to go along with 2. to be associated with 3. to go somewhere with someone

accomplishment: 1. fulfilment, success or achievement 2. something that was done successfully

accord: concurrence of opinions or wills

account: 1. an explanation or description of a specific event or situation 2. a narrative 3. the reasons behind a specific event or action

accumulate: 1. to collect or gather 2. to amass 3. to increase in quantity or amount

accumulation: 1. the act of growing or increasing in amount over an extended period of time 2. agglomeration

accurate: 1. meticulous or giving careful consideration to the details 2. exact 3. free from errors and mistakes

achieve: 1. to accomplish 2. to reach something through hard work 3. to succeed

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