❤️Close Range Love❤️

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My name is Mee-Cha, I don't really have a friends I'm quite girl shy girl emotionless but I have a bestfriend since kindergarten her name is Aiko
I'm a Japanese girl I'm a college student . I don't smile, I don't Cry. I don't have emotions. So go to the present

Mee-Cha POV
"Mee-cha, wake up you have a school" I
Open my eyes and see my cousin Daichil I yawn and stood up
After my Morning routine I go downstairs and see my (Oh Daichil is a boy ) Cousin cooking

I take a sit and just waiting "Here mee~~" he said while serving the food. I eat took a chopsticks and we eat after we eat we go to the school (Oh I forgot Daichil mee-Chas cousin is a teacher to her school)

I go to my class and the girl start whispering "Oh God. I don't really like
Her. She is emotionless. Is she a human?" A girl whisper to her friend I just don't mind it.

"Mee-cha!!" Someone yelled
When I look at the voice come from its Aiko. She hugged me and I just stood there "So Mee-Cha. I'm sorry to say this but your English is so.... how to say this you kno-" I cut her off with a emotionless face "I know. You know it already I'm suck at English" I said and she just sigh

She waved huh? Why? When I look it's a boy waving too I think it's her boyfriend or something? A boy came to us and hugged Aiko. They broke apart
"Mee-Cha meet my boyfriend Aito, Aito meet Mee-cha my bestfriend since kindergarten" Aiko said and Aito want a shake I just ignore it

"Ahh--- Mee-cha we gotta go okay see at the lunch time" She said and I just nod they left and I walk to the Table of Students I search my name and oh here it is uuhhh Fail at English I
Suck it. "Mmm. Your Ms. Mee-Cha right?" I look at the boy I loom at his IS its a teacher his name is Daisuke "Yes why?" I said and the girls is screaming like a crazy persons

They said Daisuke is handsome, Hot, but I didn't see he just a jerk "I will teach you English meet me at the number C-1 class at 3 pm okay?" He said and left I just stood there "What!!! Her!!!! Why her ?shes not beautiful I'm beautiful than her. Did Mr. Daisuke didn't notice me" A girl said uhh assuming

I just walk by myself to my class
I go to number A-1 class and take a sit. The students is loud so I read my textbook studying when the teacher came the Sydney's quickly go to their sit and the prise T of our class stood so meaning we stood up too

"Bow" Our prise dent said and we bow "Good morning sensei(Teacher)" we said and the teacher put her bag to her desk and look at us "Sit dow" She said Strickly and we sit

(After the classes)

I was waiting that the students will came out from the classroom. When there was no one I left I go to our canteen so Me and Aiko meet. I see Aiko looking for me so I waved at her she see me and run to me

"Hey can we go to the Donut cafè" I said while looking Down (When Mee-Cha want to eat Donuts it means she feels angry or sad so she just eat donuts) "Hey what happend?" Aiko said and I just grab her hands and walk to the nearest Donuts Café

We enter and take a order I Oder a chocolate Donuts and a Orang Juie Aiko order same as mine we take a sit
Neared to the window I take a bit to my donuts "So what happend?" Aiko asked me I look at her while chewing my Donuts

"I just. A girl make me angry, cause- uhh just forget it Aiko-chan. I don't wanna talk about it" I said and she nod it means she under stand it I took a sip of my Orang Juice

After we eat I check the time and it's 2:50 pm "Uhhh Aiko-chan I gotta go I have a Tutore in 3:00. Bye" I said and grab my bag "Bye. Take care" Aiko said and I waved

I go to our school and enter. I was looking to the class C-1 when I enter Mr. Daisuke is not their I take a sit near to the window while waiting I put my elbow to the desk and I put my chin to my palms while looking at the window

And the door swung open Its Mr. Daisuke I lol at my watch it's 3:05 pm "Mr. Daisuke you late. 5 minutes" I said and look at him, he just gave me a little laugh

"Thanked me Ms. Mee-cha that I go here" he siad and took a sit to the teachers table "So let's go " he said and I just look him "I'm gonna teach you English" he siad in English so I didn't understand it I gave him a what face

He chuckle "It's true. Your the best at the other subjects but you a Failure in English hah! It's so simple" he said and put his hands to his pucket

I hold my skirt tightly (When Mee-Cha hold her skirt or grip her skirt she feels angry or sad/unhappy) and Mr.Daisuke look at my hands "You okay" he said and I left see why girls so In love with him he's a jerk to judge people. When he judge people if he is perfect nobody is perfect okay

I left The school when it's 4:00 pm that the schools dismissal for collage students I look at my watch it's 3:59 so I just left the school walking by myself

Daisuke POV
She's cute- Yah! Daisuke your a teacher and she is a student. But she is cute with her chubby chicks I imagine her face cute I left the room with this smile I left the school and go to my car I enter the car

I take my ciggarite. After my habit I drove home

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