Chapter 39

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Mee-Cha POV

Chen rest in peace I thought when Chen burried with his cuffin I cried at Kris chest "Shhh Shhh don't cry" kris said I didn't listen

After the funeral "Come let's go ho-"I cut D.o off "I'm staying leave me I'm alright I'm not a baby" I said straight coldly  while looking at Chens name kneeling "Okay call us if there's something" he said I didnt move the others left

I'm  alone here I cried loudly I heared loud thunder "WHY!!!!" I shout at the Sky while sobbing

Authors POV

Mee your not alone. You didn't know Someone is watching you from far who meet yesterday at the hospital he gave you handkerchief

Daisuke. A tear came out from his eyes he whipe it "I'm sorry" he said hopi g Mee will hear it he cried he feel hurt he wish run to her and hug her comforting her kisses her but he can't he want to have Mee a space

Mee-Cha POV

It's starting to rain my clothes soaked. I don't care "Chen why?" I ask him while holding his name after an hour wait the sun is setting I stood up "See you around Jagiya" I said while blowing a kiss

I was walking headed home I put my both hands crossed to my shoulder I was cold "Hey sexy" someone said I ignore like I didn't hear it

"Why a beautiful and sexy like her walking around here?" A deep voice said and the others laugh

"Hey we're talking to you" the boy said he push me on the wall I smell his alcohol breath"Please leave me alone" I begged the three laugh

"Begged more baby girl I like it." He said kiss my neck "Please stop" I said and started to cry

"YAH YOU ASSHOLE!!" Someone yelled and punch the guy who just kiss my neck I kneeld down I can't do anything

I just look at the guy who just save me and the guys run away "DONT TOUCH HER EVER AGAIN" he shout at the guys

He is the hoodie guy who gave me an handkerchief on the hospital but when he come closer and kneeld down its Chen I wide my eyes

"Chen? Thanks for saving me" I said and I didn't know what happend Next when I collapsed

Daisuke POV

I follow her. And a group of boys follow her and the Guy starting to kiss her neck what the I run to them and beat the guys off I kneeld down infront of Mee

"Chen thanks for saving me" she said my heart broke into pieces and she collapsed in my arms

"Mee!!" I yell I caress her face. I carry her like a bridal style I walk to my apartment I thanked my apartment and the funerals place is not far just meters away I run thank God my jacket is thick and pants

I unlock my apartments password I run upstairs and go to my room I lay her to my bed not thinking how soaked is her

I grab a towel and whipe her I check her forehead she is really hot. I bring a bowl with a warm water I put an alcohol I put the towel on the bowl and squeeze it little wet I put to her forehead I caress her hair

When the towel dry I put it in the bowl again and squeeze it again and put it on her head I put my elbow to the bed and put my chin to my palm I look at her and I didn't realize my eyes closed and sleep

Mee-Cha POV

I woke up because there is a wet towel to my forehead I yawn I look around wait this is not my room

I didn't remember what happend earlier I see a guy with a hoodie he woke up and yawn he stretch his arms that make his hoodie remove and reveal his face my eyes goes wide when I saw his face

"Daisuke??" I ask trying not crack my voice

He look at me and smile "We meet again" he said "Why am I doing here?" I ask him "Y-You was collapsed in my arms because you have a high fever." He said I look away not making a eye contact

"Thanks b-by the way" I said he gulp "your always the shy girl" he murmur it so I didn't hear it so I just ignore him

"I'm sorry about Chen" he said I look at him I just smile when a picture of Chen appear in my head and I started to cry I sob I cover my face

When Daisuke sit beside me and hug me he put my head to his chest "Shhh..
Shhhh it's okay I'm here let it out" he said I cried

After the crying I stop he broke the hug he whipe my wet chicks "Are you okay" I shook my head he sigh I look at him he look at me deeply in my eyes

He lean closer he close his eyes but I reject I look away he open his eyes "M-Mee?" He slutter

And I remember what Chen said I'll promise Chen for you. "Mee I-" I cut him off "It's okay" I said he touch my forehead "Your fever is gone thank God" he said and remove his hands

"Take a warm bath and change I have some clothes" he said I nod he go outside I go to the bathroom and take a warm bath

when I'm done I got outside and see a dark grey t-shirt and a grey sweat pants I change into it

I go downstairs and see Daisuke cooking "W-What are you cooking" I said he look at me and smile

"Ummm just cooking bacon and a fried egg with a fried rice. For us" he said and back to his work

I sit on the chair I take a sip from my water "here" he said and serve a food "Thanks" I said He put the foods our plates


We ate with a dead silence nobody talks. "Mee~~My promise don't forget it" someone whisper to my ear I look at my behind and there nobody it's Chens voice

"S-So h-how's life?" I ask him he look at me "Ahh? Umm same as always"he said I nod

When I'm done I grab my plate and glass when and stood up Daisuke stop me and I didn't realize he hold my hands "Ohh I'm sorry" he said I blush he blush and rub his nape

"I-it's o-okay" I slutter he look at me and chuckle I miss his smile wait what?
we chuckle. "So just leave it here I'll take it later" he said and put it on the sink

Daisuke follow me behind we enter to Daisukes room "I just sleep here" he said he grab a pillow and blanket and put it on the floor

I lay to his bed it's so comfy it's smells like him "Good Night Daisuke" I said looking to him he smile "Good night" he said

I close me eyes and I still hear a sounds Aish what is this I look at Daisuke who is moving there and there

I chuckle at him I stood up and go to him I kneeld infront of him and tap his chicks "Hey" I said he open his eyes

"Mee? You still up yet?" He said I just look at him "I am Your unconfortable here. So you can sleep beside me" I said he blush and rub the back of his neck

"If  it's okay with you" he said I nod "If it's okay with you" he said I stood up and lay on the bed he lay beside me he cover us with the blanket "Good Night sweet dreams Mee" he said "Good night too" I said I turn back our backs facing I sigh and close my eyes


Oh My God. Hehehehe so thanks for reading this chap fellow readers. KAMSHAMNIDA🎉❤️😃


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