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In the morning of August, when the sun just rises its head from the veils of the darkness wearing a luminous crown , but there is still the humidity and moisture remaining on every substance as the evidence of drizzling that showers to the city and made the weather of Jerusalem pleasant in this sunny summer. A fine Black GMC stops at the parking of Hadassah Medical Center, and a tall height person with broad shoulders and a short neck and a long chinned face opens the door of the car and rushes towards the stairs of hospital, crossing a small queue of patients and other visitors of medical students of a large corridor of the hospital, He has no interest in the suffering of people around him and have no sympathy for the pain they are going through which is quite evident by the way he forwards towards the reception by pushing those who comes on his way nearly to ruthless manner , nor he is concerned about the unique infrastructure of premises where people often visit only to stand among the walls of the place built around hundred years ago. Reaching to the reception, he asks to the receptionist maintaining his carless but respectful persona, "Please call Miss Alshech, I am from authority, I need to ask some questions to her."

The lady receptionist replies to him, "She has already given her statement."

"Thank you! Now you may please call for her." Says the arriving person as it is not pleasing for him to talk with the receptionist unnecessary.

"May I know any evidence of your authority?" The receptionist asks, and this time her attitude is also flat and rigid and in response of which the person put his hand into his side pocket of jeans and showed her the badge of Interpol, watching that receptionist looks at his face with surprise and confusion and says, " I am sorry sir, You may sit here, I am calling her" Listening to this the person started moving taking small steps towards the sitting area with his eyes towards the TV where the news anchor of local news channel was saying, "

"The guy who is held responsible for the blasts at airport and near Moroccan quarter yesterday, is famous Showbiz personality "Henry Fredrick Grant" who is generally known for his horror show "Destination ET", and it is reported that he has been involved in various criminal offenses, he was accused of murders and also involved in a jail break , he entered into Jerusalem territory not just illegally but also found involved in illegal wild stock trafficking and also illegal ammunitions which he utilized along the chase and also found in his possession when he was arrested. Due to his influential personality or the pressure of international relations, law enforcements agencies have not yet given any official statement, neither about him nor about his accomplice who was arrested by the police earlier after he threw large explosives that are military equipped hand grenades on police vehicle. It is also not clear that the actions of the celebrity are of his own or he is a string of a wider terrorist network, because he had been progressively involved in ......"

"Yes Sir! I am Estela." a feminine voice distracts him from the news and he turns to see the source of the voice who is a simple but enigmatic lady aged between her late twenties or early thirties, wearing a white dress of nurse.

"I am Joseph Aron from Interpol, I need your cooperation in the case", says the person pointing out the TV news.

"I have already given my statement." Says the lady

"Yes you are! But there are much more you can still tell." Says Joseph.

"Alright! What can I tell more?" replies the nurse hastily.

"Can we talk in bit privacy?" asks the Joseph.

"Yeah! Sure." Says Estela but it was evident that the nurse who was bold enough to talk with an Interpol officer is nervous and slight frightened now"

"You don't need to worry all I need is to ask few question, but if you are so worried we can talk here." Saying this walks to the corner of sitting area and sat on the chair that was in quite distance from the mob of people as everyone was eager to sit near the reception and Estela follows him and sat by him.

"It seems you have encountered with investigations and investigators previously and from your fear I deduce it did not end well." Says Joseph, but before Estela can say something in her defense he again says, "You don't need to worry miss, my only concern is the criminal involved in yesterday's incident! When brought here, he had his consciousness and when there were only you who attended him, and when the doctor arrived he was unconscious and till that he has been in same condition, and I think he will die lying like that, I will not have any chance to interrogate him."

"He will not die, don't worry." Replies Estela with confidence

"Is that what he told you that you are so sure of it" Says Joseph watching the face of Estela as he was trying to search hidden expressions behind the calm face of Estela.

"I have seen people die who had long way to live, and dying people being saved, it's not always necessary that a person who is suffering, ends up dying." Replies Estela

" Well what you have seen in your life is not my concern all I am asking about the yesterday." says Joseph rigidly, "Before being unconscious he talked with you, talked with you for a long time, and then he fainted, this is nowhere written in your statement.

Before Estela parts her lips to say something he says again continuing his rigid and cold attitude, " I have evidence that he told you something, you cannot deny and it is better for you to tell me right now, otherwise I have other ways also to rip the truth out of lies."

"I have seen men ripping other men, women and children only to get their expected outcome, I consider you not different from them, and one whom you are accusing is not criminal, instead I respect him and find myself in his debt as long as I have the strength to breath." Says Estela with her eyes wide open towards Joseph that he can feel her gaze shall pierce through him.

"So what he told you such that makes you respect him" Joseph taunts her with smile, to which she replies

"I will tell you!" said Estela continue watchingat the eyes of joseph, "but not because I am afraid of you! I am going to tellyou because I believe in him, and he deserved to be known, not as a criminal,but as a true man of God, who has the courage to go far beyond the limits whereother men can only seek the evidence and ended only stuck between the realms ofright and wrong."    

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