Chapter 1

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In the silence of cold winter the pale moon light dancing like a ballerina garbing the attention of shiny drops of drizzle, scattered everywhere like jewels of heaven. Into the beautiful shadowy drama of nature a fast moving vehicle approaches from the other end of the horizon just like a spear of a marksman warrior piercing through the breast of silence. Friction of vehicle obviously disturbed the serenity of nature but the moonlight on the face of driver reflects the bright smile on the face of handsome man his early thirties, and the lady sitting next to him was sharing the pleasure of his delight as has a gorgeous grin on her face like child having his favorite toy.

"He was really an amazing guy!" said the lady continuing her childish giggle, "being honest watching him I thought he was going to be very rude but he proved my every perception wrong"

"He is kind of rude Ivy!", said the man with expression of astonishment, I never even heard him joking with any one previously since we met, but one thing I am sure about him that he is a sincere one."

"Indeed the sincere two", said the woman emphasizing on word two by giving the gesture of two finger rising, "or it would be better to say that you earned only two of the sincere people from the world"

"If it comes to earning you have seen better at the party what actually is earning!

"Ya-Ya all that fame and fortune with chicks screaming your name children thinking you the bravest as Hector and for their poor mother the savior like Beowulf" lady murmured in taunting manner.

"Not a savior but you must admit the bravery of your man coz it's not often found the balls to live in a place which people called "The Haunted one" and come back alive where the people are found dead so common, but the thing about earning comes! I want to add something that I have earned!"

Ivy said instantly "And what on earth you have earned that I am not aware of?"

That is my lovely wife, the gravity of my life, the only deity in this universe that I can believe and who holds my hand whenever I need one."

Oh my dear! It's a long time hearing you filled with relax and romance, I guess you have caught another one. Mr. Ghost Detective." Said Ivy looking at him

"Exactly! Adam told that Netflix are ready for a meeting and you know them they only meet for what they buy", said with Pride.

"Well, I know much of Adam, but What off your other 'sincere one' The Mr. Doctor?" Ivy enquired with blazing eyes filled with questions."

"Well he is one of the directors in United Nation Global health program, but how got into his circle! It's a long lost story", said the man keeping his both hand on steering wheel, to which Ivy replied hurriedly "and I am ready to hear that long lost story, I am your wife not the cheering audience who you can manipulate. Mr. Henry!" The Ghost Detective"

Henry started speaking with continuing smiling," First I am not a Ghost Detective I am just trying to find the fact, I just discriminate the super out of natural, or natural out of super natural! It's just a simple theory if there is something really super natural, it must be claimed by what it is actually, and if there is something ordinary is regarded as super natural due to nationality of people, it must be rectified., Once I was working at house in a Massachusetts Bay which local used to say that it was the resident of Baroness Agnes Huard, who beheaded a priest, The villagers killed her and burnt the house, so of course there were various rumors about the evil prevailing in the house, the date of the incident was disputed ranging from hundred years to four hundred years, When I went there I felt something, a feeling which cannot be named and I never felt that before even in most gruesome places like The Cecil hotel when I was in the tank with the dead body of poor student was lied for three days but here every day I spent there was something that was consuming me, I started to feel my self-attached with the place, an attachment of affection! May be it was because of the infrastructure, or the folktales, it was said that it was a large mansion of the Barroness and still there were beauty and charm was found in the ruins of burnt villa. Our work was going well there no incident like most of the cases, we were challenging this super natural thing, but I was slain by a nature's fearsome foot soldier, and you know what it was?"

Ivy who was listening that all was shocked by sudden question as she was completely drawn in the waves of terror, but she managed and asked in low voice that what it was

"It was a bee!" said Henry, and both burst into sudden laugh that broke the walls of terror that was recently created among them. "and where I met Mr. Daniel Thomas, He was the supervisor of medical welfare camp held by UN.I don't know why but I believed in him, may be because I knew the fact that I was not going to find another wiser person as long as I was there, so what was in my mind I shared with him, I told him about strange feelings in the haunted place, he listened very calmly, I thought that a doctor would be scared of this but he proved himself one of the bravest persons I have ever met and the then said, "you do not believe in God who is the creator for most of the people of the belonging to different religion, you never felt His creation in any of it, and yet you are feeling something strange! When you have believe that God does not exist why you are believing in existence of evil, when you are so sure that there is no one to nurture you, how there could be any force to harm you, if there would be, there would be no balance in earth, there would be only chaos, strengthen your guts and let the destiny play her role."

His advice made an impact and I spent the night in place where the murderers were actually buried, and here comes our home!"

Oh my God but what happens then?" Ivy was enchanted by the curiosity that she did not want to leave the vehicle without knowing the remaining part.

"Well the rest is known by the world, I dug the house by my hand and found more than corpses of murderer and the victim, I found more! there was also a child buried, called the forensic and it was found that it was a girl of around eight years and was the daughter of murderer Baroness Agnes Huard and was murdered also, but no one knew about that fact. From the forensic investigation it was found an incident of late 16th or early of early 17th century about, by some other evidence that you can watch in details on the show that poor girl was killed by the priest and of course it was the retaliation of the mother that she beheaded the priest. , I could not find any trace for the father of the girl, neither got any documented evidence regarding the girl, every proof only show that the baroness used to live alone in the house, but she was a well reputable lady and was also involved in many of Colonial Government issues, that resulted me to her association with Cotton Mathers also and through this I deduced that the event was also related to Salem's witch Trials, as Mr. Mathers was one of the activists. .It was amazing, you can imagine by yourself, solving a mystery that occurred some three hundred years ago. The show was one of the best that made me 100% double that I already was, and that all just happened with his advice. "said Henry in fast pace opening the door of their car and rushed towards the house. Ivy also left the car and both vanished from the darkest of night into the comfort of their lavish villa.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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