For The Road

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~Jordin POV ~

It seems as if all Chris and I ever do nowadays is argue about his cheating ass girlfriend Karrueche whom he just recently got together with. I don't know if it's the fact that he told me that she frequently smells like axe, or the hate filled looks that she always give me that makes me not like her.

Whatever it is, by Chris and I being so protective of one another couldn't slip my mind. He's my best friend and I would never want to see him hurt. Especially if I had the chance to help. Him being so hardheaded, only made my accomplishment that much harder to reach.

~Chris POV~

To be honest, I'm so tired of arguing with my so called best friend because she has problems with my girlfriend. Her and Kae never got along, but I didn't think that she'd go as far as to accuse her of cheating at least three times a day. Maybe if I bought her a puppy, she'd finally be occupied enough to stay the hell out of my love life. 'Why not just get her someone?' you say.

I guess I just don't feel as if anybody is good enough for her. That's basically my little sister and honestly, I don't even think I'd be ready to hand her over to some next nigga. I sighed, involuntarily stepping into Jordin's shoes. I mean, with everything that's happening in our lives, she never brought up wanting to have a boyfriend, apart from her first. I mean it's good, but it worries me a bit since she never explained why.

I slipped up and asked a couple of times, but unfortunately, she'd get defensive and claim that I was always in her business. That's partially true, but as a boy bestfriend that's my role in our friendship. Now what's her excuse?

She took a deep breath, obviously calmer. "I'm done arguing Chris. I was just trying to look out for you. Apparently you don't need me though?" She said it so low I could barely hear her. " Jordin, I don't know if you knew it or not, but I'm a grown ass man, who has to learn from his own mistakes. You're right, I don't need you to be telling me about my girlfriend!" It wasn't in my intentions to yell at her, but I was so frustrated. I could tell I hurt her feelings though. "Okay." she replied, with a small pout on her face.

I rubbed a hand over my head with a sigh. "Jordin, wait I'm sorry." Although, technically I didn't have anything to be sorry about, she always knew how to flip the script and put the blame on the next person. Like a sucker, I occasionally fell for it. "It's fine, I'm going to take a nap though. I'll talk to you later I guess?"

And just like that, she was treking up the stairs, and I was left alone with all the guilt. She had to understand that with everyone nagging at me about Kae, I tend to get frustrated and say things that I don't mean.

~Jordin POV~

Chris and I never lied to one another, so why he'd think that I'd lie to him about this was beyond me. I shook the thoughts from my head, dragging my body to the guest bedroom that I kept my stuff in. Getting comfortable on the bed, I blasted some music until I eventually dozed off. He's a grown man, and regardless of my opinion he's bound to do whatever he wanted to anyway.

I popped my eyes open, after what felt like 20 minutes due to Chris and whomever he had downstairs making tons of noise. I rolled to my back, placing my hand over my face. A few moments later, I patted the bed down until my hand came in contact with my phone. I unlocked it seeing that it was 6:48pm meaning that I had been sleep for at least 3 hours.

I couldn't even be mad, I needed to wake up. I tossed my legs over the edge of the bed, getting up to stretch. Afterwards, I left the room and walked down the stairs to see Ty and Chris sitting on the couch smoking, and laughing. I went over and slapped Chris on the back of his head because I was still a little upset.

"You guys woke me up." I stated, with fake annoyance. I looked them both up and down and attempted to sit on the seat beside Ty. "I'm sorry Jordi. Please forgive me!" With a proper voice, and big eyes, he pulled me down into his lap.

I pretended to still be upset, knowing damn well that I liked the feeling oh too much. He knew what he was doing, and if he didn't have a family at home, I would've easily played the game along with him. "Apology accepted." I said, while scooting off his lap and onto a chair. I kicked my feet up on him instead.

A few moments of us goofing around passed, before Chris finally let the blunt he had been smoking, out. He looked up at me, nodding towards the staircase. "Go get dressed, not too extravagant. We going to the club." I nodded, agreeing, before pulling down my shorts, and walking towards the steps.

Between me and you, the club was my favorite place to go. To me it's a place where you could be yourself, all the while, studying others. And although it was a public place that was full of possible sinners, I found it kind of sacred. Does that make sense?

~Chris POV~

Once Jordin had walked up the stairs, I invited my brother Ty over and waited in the living room for him to slide through. When he finally arrived, we wasted no time going to the den to play 2k. At the moment, Ty was whooping my ass and talking shit. Being as though this was a normal routine, I decided to keep my mouth shut, awaiting the comeback that would be coming very soon. "You guys woke me up. " The sound of Jordin's small voice, made me perk up a little. I resparked the blunt, that was pre rolled, not taking my eyes off the TV screen.

Just as I passed the ball to my teammate, I seen her hand inching towards my head until it came in contact. Really, I could've dodged the baby hit, but I knew it was to get back at me from earlier. It was best to just take it anyway.

Ty said something to her before pulling her onto his lap with a cheesy grin. I narrowed my eyes at him, he knew how I felt about that shit. Nigga just wanted to piss me off. I knew they liked one another, but 22 or not, she was my little sister and too young for a boyfriend. Ty and I were going to have a little talk later on.

I sighed, putting my blunt out, and leaning back into the couch. "Go get dressed, not too extravagant. We going to the club." With that, she nodded satisfied.

I resumed the game and finished substituting my tired players out as she walked away. I was gonna have a looong conversation with her regarding Ty.. I could tell that it won't be tonight though, She LOVES the club so I had no right to kill her vibe.

About 45 minutes later she came down the stairs in some white MC hammer pants with a white crop top. I wasn't surprised though, she never wore dresses. It'd have to be a very special occasion.

I texted the crew informing them that we were ready, before grabbing my key. I turned off a couple of lights, and looked in the mirror to check my outfit. In the mist of it all I saw Jordin sneaking a picture of us. I rolled my eyes, at how photogenic she thought she was.

Okay, so after a bunch of editing, I decided to knock the cobwebs off this story. It's still a little rusty because it was my very first book, but it'll get better I hope.

Tyga and Chris in the mm. Ty right, Chris left

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