Chapter 3// black eyes

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"Guys shut up they're gonna hear us!" Kasie hissed at her friends.

"Who's gonna hear us," Liam teased," the demon?"His voice was sarcastic and taunting.

"No you idjit! Our parents! You think they approve of us breaking and entering?" She whispered, though the tone of her voice made it sound more like a shout. Liam blushed with realization and kept his mouth shut... well for a little while anyway. Actually it was more like ten seconds.

"Ow" he screeched. He shifted his legs so he could see the bottom of his feet. Kasie caught a quick glance before she squeezed her eyes shut. There was a nail sticking out of the bottom of his foot, and not a small one either. She shifted her gaze to the ground to avoid the sight, but the complete silence made it so she could hear the fresh blood dripping out of his foot and onto the crushed leaves below their feet. Kasie could see the disgust in all her friends eyes, except Liam, his expression was just pure pain.

"Shoot, God dang it, seriously dang it to the freaking moon and back." Liam shouted out, trying not to cuss, but forgetting to keep his voice down.

"Liam shut up, you freaking idjit. They're gonna wonder what we've been doing out here." Calie told him, hushing her voice as if that would somehow compensate for the screams that the entire neighborhood probably just heard.

"I'm going inside guys," Liam sniffed ,"it really hurts".

"Liam I said no chickens and this counts too, just hold still and we'll pull it out." Kasie told him, looking for something to give her friend to bite down on so they wouldn't have any more screams. She grabbed her water bottle and handed it to him so he could bite down on the nib. Kasie winced as she grabbed the bloodied nail at the bottom of his foot, it was a good thing that he was sitting down now because otherwise she would've knocked him over due to all her shaking. She knew it was probably going to hurt more coming out than going in because of the corkscrew design, she had originally thought that it was a nail but now that she actually looked at it it looked more like a screw. Hang on tight Liam, she thought, cause this is gonna hurt. Kasie shut her eyes tight, wincing at the pain that she wouldn't even feel. Her friends were still silent, enough that she could hear the flesh ripping more as she tugged the screw out. Liam gasped and seemed as if he was about to scream but then all of the tension left his body. Kasie could practically feel his body slumping down, he seemed less in pain now, in fact he almost seemed comfortable... too comfortable, considering she was still tugging at the screw in his foot. Kasie looked up so she could see Liam's face and the first thing that registered was eyes.

Black... Black eyes. Both of his eyes were so entirely solid black that she could see her own reflection... right down to the shock in the eyes that were her own.

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