A Lonely Christmas

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Somewhere in London, A small forgotten place called fleet street was fully alive for the holiday,
Which was very unlike normal times at this place. Just the other day, The whole place was dull and depressing. Peoples walked slowly with bags under their eyes, Someone new to this place could easily mistake these peoples for "The undead", In other words "Zombies".

Perhaps that was why it was so easy for one certain man to get his revenge.
They all seemed to be dead already.

Anyways, It was the day befor christmas. Snow slowly fell down, covering the ground with a thick layer.
Lights burned brightly by everyonce houses and peoples paced by quickly to do a late christmas shopping.
Music was being played in the streets filling everyone with joy.
As it seemed, the undead has been awaken. Everyone's spirit has been lifted.

Well almost everyone...

there was one man looking down at everone from above a meat pie shop with a frown on his face.
He looked just as same as any other day.
With his same clothes, Same expression and same sad eyes who hadn't seemed to have gotten a single rest for years.

But who could blame him? After all, He had lost everything he cared about to one single filthy man.
And every time he closed his eyes, He could see that one man taking what used to be he's. And as fast his heavy eyelids had scooped him into darkness, He opened them again wide awake.

But he couldn't deny, He enjoyed the holidays more then the normal days.
Holidays meant more peoples who wanted to look "handsome", which also meant more customers for him. And the fire of rage burning inside of him never seemed to go away, But being able to put these filthy humans down, One by one.
He could feel the fire flicker inside of him.
A sign that perhaps it will all be worth it one day.

And thats all he needed to be able to go through another awful day without the one he loved by his side.
The man turned around and went into his own shop, A barbershop.
Inside waited one special woman who he just had left alone after he had thrown a fit for a reason he already had forgotten.
His mind was clouded with his own sorrow and lately it seemed like everything just slipped away, And he forgot the smallest things. Such as what he eat for breakfast.

"Are you done sulking?" The woman said, Irritated. She had her hands on her hips in a mocking way.
The man ignored her and went over to his sharp razors shining from where the laid on the other side of the room.
The woman called Mrs. Lovett gave out a sigh as her annoyed look disappeared and her arms fell down beside her.

She simply couldn't stay mad at this man.
Even though he obviously had no feelings for her, She still loved him with all of her heart. And watching him looking like a lost puppy made her heart ache.
Because thats exactly what he looked like. A small sad lost puppy, Locked somewhere dark with no way out.

"Its christmas tomorrow" She said, Breaking the silence. The man looked at her from the corner of his eyes in a mocking way as to sarcastically say 'Is that so?'. Lovett ignored his childish acting and keept on going. "Toby is very excited, I think he got you a present" The man didn't react and just picked up one of his sharp razors, looking at his own reflection.
"You can either open it now while we are here or wait until we come back".

The man frowned. That was it, Thats why he was mad at her. She was leaving him all alone at this awful place to see her family. Togheter with Toby.
He wasn't mad over the fact he would be alone, But because he wanted to keep the business going. And Lovett was going to be gone for two whole good days.
Without her his plan couldnt go on.
This meant he would have to wait for her.

He didn't like waiting anymore, He had already waited years in prison.
Lovett looked at him from where she stood.
"Alright then love, I can see that this conversation isn't going anywhere" She looked down at the floor. Another sigh escaped her pale chapped lips.
"Are you sure you don't wanna come with?" He let out a amused sound. Did she seriously think he would follow here to her rotten family? He would rather stay here all alone and slowly drown in his own misery.

Lovett saw his reaction and shaked her head, Poor man, Was all she thought as she picked up the suitcase which was beside her. "I'll be leaving then" She looked at him, Hoping for atleast a goodbye. But the man was fully back at what he did befor, focusing at his silver razor. When Lovett realised she wasn't going to get a respond, She made her way out muttering "Merry Christmas" as the door closed behind her with a small thud.

The man was left alone in the cold and almost completly empty room.
He slumped down at the single chair in the middle of the room, Carefull to not accidently trigger the chair to make him fall down into the trapdoor and probably break his neck.

Although, with the way he feelt right now, He wouldn't really mind.
Death had crossed his mind many times while he was locked away.
The only thing that keept him alive all these years were the thought of comming home to a lovely wife and a child.
Yet when the day finally came, They weren't there. His wife was dead, Well thats at least what he had been told by Mrs.Lovett.

The only reason he didnt face death now, Was because he wanted his revenge on all the filthy humans who are the reason his wife is gone. Specially one special man,
Judge Turpin. He wanted to slit that mans troath and watch the lights in his eyes slowly fade away and his soul leave his body.

The man accidently dropped his sharp silver blade on too the floor.
Although right now he couldnt careless.
He dragged his right hand down his face.
He was tired, But he knew it was useless for him to sleep. He will only wake up by another bad dream and be more grumpy then he already is.
But the sounds of peoples in hurry outside and the christmas music seemed to be a great lullaby and slowly he closed his eyes, Thinking that perhaps he could just rest his eyes for a minute, But as fast his eyes closed he went into a deep needed sleep.

"Benjamin" A smooth familiar singing voice said.
He keept his eyes closed but frowned a bit, Did someone just say his old name?
He ignored the voice believing it was just his mind playing tricks on him again because of the lack of sleep.
"Ben" The voice once again spoke, And finally he opened his eyes only to be met with a bright smile and a pair of beautiful shining eyes belonging to his wife "Lucy?" He said, Although he was not really sure if she heard him, because it came out as more of a gasp.
Lucy just smiled back at him.
He tried to say something but it feelt like he was shocking on his own breath. He could feel his eyes tear up, But he wasnt going to cry.
He promised himself he wouldn't show emotions again. And it had been many years sense he cried the last time, He wasn't going to break it now.

"Iv'e come home" He finally said. Lucy smiled a even bigger smile at him and placed her warm lips againgst his cold once as he closed his eyes.
They kissed until they needed to breath again and broke apart. Lucy smiled at him "Merry Christmas" she spoke quietly and once again brought their lips togheter

He slowly lifted his hand up to tuch her face, He needed to know this wasn't a dream, He needed to know she was there.
But as fast he feelt her warm cheek againgst his hand, It disappeared.
He quickly opened his eyes only to be met with the empty dark cold room again.

Thats when the first sorrowfull sob left his lips as he realised she was yet again, Gone.
"Iv'e come home" he spoke softly, Begging for a respond. But the only thing he could hear was his own words echoing back at him through the walls.

Benjamin slowly stood up and walked over to the table which the last picture he had on his family was. He picked it up looking at the old picture and another sob left his lips.
A tear hit the frame as Benjamin finally let himself cry out all the emotions he had been holding in.

"Merry christmas" He spoke to the picture of his smiling wife and baby girl.

A Lonely Christmas (Sweeney Todd)Where stories live. Discover now