Sebastian Sebastian The Final Chapter

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Ok, so this is the final chapter of the Sebastian Sebastian series. This is about Sebastian Sebastian meeting his true love, Patricia Patricia. Let's get to it. Sebastian Sebastian was having a pretty decent day. Sebastian Sebastian was still the sumo champion of the world and had just beat his rival Angelo Angelo. After the match, Sebastian Sebastian thought Sebastian Sebastian saw someone familiar. But when Sebastian Sebastian looked at Patricia Patricia, Patricia Patricia moved away from the crowd. You see, Patricia Patricia was Sebastian Sebastian's first girlfriend. They met in grade school and instantly clicked. They dated for a year and a half until Patricia Patricia moved away. It broke Sebastian Sebastian's heart and it led Sebastian Sebastian to start eating donuts. Their ship name was Patrastian Patrastian. Sebastian Sebastian had never had a girlfriend since because of his trauma and the other ladies didn't like his weight. So after that day, Sebastian Sebastian went to the park to see if Sebastian Sebastian still had the moves to get ladies. It didn't go so well. Five ladies rejected him because of his weight, three recognized him and took a selfie and left, and one just laughed and ran. This caused Sebastian Sebastian to eat even more donuts which was fine because Sebastian Sebastian had a big match coming up against the rookie sensation Logan Logan. Logan Logan was nowhere near the weight of Sebastian Sebastian, but what Logan Logan lacked in weight, Logan Logan made up for in quickness. Logan Logan was making a name for himself, especially when Logan Logan beat Sebastian Sebastian's formal rival Timothy Timothy. That match was for the sumo championship of the world, but it was next week. The next day, Sebastian Sebastian had a match against Jackson Jackson. It should have been an easy win, but when the match started Sebastian Sebastian swore he saw Patricia Patricia. While Sebastian Sebastian was distracted, Jackson Jackson pushed him out of the circle. Angry and embarrassed, Sebastian Sebastian ran outside to the parking lot and ran into Patricia Patricia. It started with the most romantic first line you've ever heard. "Howdy." Sebastian Sebastian made up and talked about their life and eventually Patricia Patricia had to leave, but Sebastian Sebastian first gave her front row seats for tomorrow's match against Hudson Hudson. The next day, Sebastian Sebastian had something to prove, both to Patricia Patricia and to the other sumo wrestlers because Sebastian Sebastian lost to Jackson Jackson the other day. Sebastian Sebastian won in 7.6294 seconds. After the match, Sebastian Sebastian and Patricia Patricia talked about stuff, but all of a sudden Patricia Patricia said Patricia Patricia had to go and left. The next day, Sebastian Sebastian went to his good buddy Marvin Marvin's house to catch up. Marvin Marvin was a couples counselor so Marvin Marvin would have some advice for his "relationship" with Patricia Patricia. Sebastian Sebastian went to Marvin Marvin's house and explained his situation to him. Marvin Marvin said that Sebastian Sebastian first needed to find out if Patricia Patricia was single and if Patricia Patricia was, make a move. A little google stalking and Sebastian Sebastian found out Patricia Patricia was single and her middle name was Leslie. Who knew? After beating Griffin Griffin that day, Sebastian Sebastian asked her out to dinner, and Patricia Patricia said yes. They had an amazing time, and the best part was when Patricia Patricia won a hot dog eating contest against Sebastian Sebastian. And at the end of the night, Patricia Patricia ended the night with a kiss on the cheek. Everything was finally going right in his life. And then Sebastian Sebastian faced Logan Logan. The match didn't start off that bad. Logan Logan was running around the ring, but all of a sudden Patricia Patricia ran onto the ring and kissed Logan Logan. Sebastian Sebastian was so heartbroken, that Sebastian Sebastian walked out of the ring. Logan Logan is your new sumo champion. Sebastian Sebastian was angry after the match. So angry that even donuts wouldn't help. Sebastian Sebastian was so angry he went right to a bakery next door, and ate it. Not just the food inside, Sebastian Sebastian ate the walls, the roof, the owner, everything. Because of this incident, the WSF (World Sumo Federation) kicked him out of their league. And then Sebastian Sebastian was visited by his old rival Timothy Timothy. They chatted, talked about the good times and the bad times. And they got to business. Timothy Timothy had divised a plan that would make Sebastian Sebastian the most famous sumo wrestler in the world, and force the WSF (World Sumo Federation) to give him a rematch. Sebastian Sebastian agreed. Fast forward a day, and Logan Logan is defending his title against Ethan Ethan. Everything was going smoothly in the match, until Sebastian Sebastian jumped the barrier, pushed out Ethan Ethan, and then shoved Logan Logan out of the circle and into the crowd. Sebastian Sebastian looked Patricia Patricia in the eyes and then left. The WSF went crazy with him coming back after that. The WSF was down in ratings since Sebastian Sebastian left, so this could be the spike they needed for business. Sebastian Sebastian went on Twotter and said, "I'm going to keep doing this until I get a rematch with Logan Logan." The WSF had one match tomorrow afternoon without Logan Logan in it, so they thought they were fine. But Sebastian Sebastian came in, destroyed everyone, and tipped over an ambulance for some reason. The WSF finally let Sebastian Sebastian have his rematch the next night. The next night,  the match started the same way. Logan Logan was running around the ring, and Sebastian Sebastian was ready. Then, Patricia Patricia ran onto the ring and kissed Sebastian Sebastian. Logan Logan wasn't surprised though. Logan Logan told Patricia to do that earlier so that Logan Logan could push out Sebastian Sebastian. And it all worked to plan. Logan Logan is still your sumo champion. Sebastian Sebastian went on another rampage. Sebastian Sebastian went out to the parking lot and flipped over cars and buses and stuff. Sebastian Sebastian was going to flip over a garbage truck, until Sebastian Sebastian saw Patricia Patricia and put it down. Patricia Patricia said that Patricia Patricia wanted to talk in private. Patricia Patricia told Sebastian Sebastian that Patricia Patricia was getting paid to help Logan Logan win the championship. Patricia Patricia would rather help Sebastian Sebastian, but Logan Logan offered Patricia Patricia a lot of money. Sebastian Sebastian devised a plan and told it to Patricia Patricia. The next day, the WSF announced that Sebastian Sebastian would have one more shot at the title, but if Sebastian Sebastian lost Sebastian Sebastian would have to retire. Sebastian Sebastian decided it was worth the risk and agreed. The next night, it was Logan Logan versus Sebastian Sebastian for their last match. The bell rang and Patricia Patricia kissed Sebastian Sebastian again. This time however, when Logan Logan tried to push him out, Sebastian Sebastian ducked and drop kicked Logan Logan. Logan Logan fell out of the circle and Sebastian Sebastian was your sumo champion. Until, they looked back at the footage. That drop kick that Sebastian Sebastian did made him fall to the ground and Sebastian Sebastian fell at the same time as Logan Logan did. The match was restarted. This time, Sebastian Sebastian just ran at him, and Logan Logan ran away and was never seen again. Sebastian Sebastian is your new sumo champion. Patricia Patricia came in the ring and kissed him. Eventually they got married and had a kid. They named him Frank. Frank Sebastian because you can't just pick a different last name for your kid, that would be crazy. Frank Sebastian grew up to be a construction worker and rebuilt the bakery that Sebastian Sebastian ate.

                                                                                             The End

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