8- a day at the mansion

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I walk around the overly large mansion, dressed in Bruce's shirt from this morning and a pair of his socks to stop my feet from getting cold. My pastel rainbow hair is messy and swings back and forth as I toddle around, sipping at my warm tea. There was a warmth to his home, fireplaces in almost all the rooms as well as books, so many books. It makes me wonder what he enjoys to read?

"Miss?" I turn around to face the voice, some of my tea spilling on the borrowed shirt. "Oh my, lets get you out of that and into some proper clothes. I can't believe Master Bruce would have you walk around like that while he was talking with master Dick, raised him better than this," Alfred rambled, hardly giving me a chance to respond but instead laugh quietly as he pulled me along through the mansion back to Bruce's room.

"Thank you Alfred, also, you don't have to call me miss," it made me feel weird, like I was a teacher even though he knew how to do everything. "Um, just wondering, how long is Bruce going to be?" I wanted to go home.

"If you want me to call a taxi, or I could drive you home mi-um Ella, then, that's okay. Master Bruce won't be finished for a while with master Dick." Alfred answers, trying to break out of his habit.

"It's okay Alfred, we finished earlier than planned." Bruce walks into the room, taking my cup of tea from me and setting it down on his side table. "You're so clumsy aren't you, darling?" Bruce laughed at me as he began to unbutton my shirt.

"Would you like me to get the car, sir?" Alfred had turned away when Bruce started unbuttoning my shirt. So much was happening, I wasn't sure what to do or say. I felt so trapped in the moment.

"No, no that's Alfred, I'm going to take Ella to the mall and maybe get her some clothes to keep here. She will be here quite often as you know." Bruce has clearly had other contracts with other girls and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as I let him pull the shirt off of me. I let the jealousy go, it had been another time and another place. I couldn't hold him against past relationships.

"Um, could we stop at my house first if that's alright Bruce?" I asked quietly, taking my dress from yesterday out of his hands as I began to put it on, feeling slightly uncomfortable that Alfred was in the room, back still turned. "I would like to get a change of clothes," I mumbled, turning around and pulling my hair aside so Bruce could do the zipper. His warm hand placed itself on my hip as his other one pulled up the zipper, a small kiss left on my shoulder.

"Just bring the car around Alfred, if you wouldn't mind. I won't be back tonight." Did he have other plans? Was he staying at my house tonight? Where is the communication this is killing me. "I'm afraid I have plans tonight involving an auction." Oh, the children's cancer auction. I did forget about that. "We shall be going now, see you outside Alfred." Bruce moved his hand down from my waist onto my hand as he pulls me along.

My bare feet tapped onto the ground and down the staircase as Bruce pulled me along. I was very excited to go shopping with him, maybe this would show another side of him!

"Baby," Bruce called me out of my day dream as we stopped at the front of the house, he began to put on a coat. "Sorry for leaving you to talk to Dick, he has a lot going on where he lives and works and needs someone to talk to." He explained, which I thought was very sweet. He is always so sweet to me. "Did you get a chance to see the house? I will be setting up a room for you within the next few days, you can also sleep in my room but I will not be here most of the nights as I have things to attend and such." Things to attend to? I do all of his planning, what things?

"That's okay, you don't have to set up a room." I wouldn't want to put him through that trouble. He merely chuckles and opens the door, letting me leave the house with the hold of his.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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