1| lost

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"I'm so bored, hyung," Jeongguk groaned, shutting the book that had previously rested in his lap.

He earned a scoff from his elder who sat beside him with one headphone in, playing blissful tunes that made the vibrancy of the day feel all the more idyllic.

"How can you possibly be bored when you're content with doing nothing?" Hoseok asked with good reason, causing Jeongguk to heave out a sigh and rest his head against the tree trunk where he let his eyelids droop shut.

"Being content is boring when that's what you are every day, Hobi hyung. I want to do something different for once." The brunette stated with careful, easy breaths.

Hoseok wasn't intrigued by this 'change' in his best friend's personality at all. As far as he was concerned, it was just one of those things Jeongguk would say but never go about achieving, and that was good enough for him. He, too, was quite content in sitting in the park all day.

"Kinda hard to do when you're a painfully obvious introvert." He said, half in jest, half out of his previous recognition of the fact that Jeongguk really was quite dreadful at making conversation. "I suggest you just sit here and read your novels."

"But everyone around us is having fun, Hobi hyung." Jeongguk pouted, brown eyes opening up to plead with Hoseok's sympathetic side. "Think of something exciting to do that won't make me have a mental breakdown."

Easier said than done Hoseok thought to himself as he turned to his best bet of finding something to quench Jeongguk's new thirst for excitement.

After a few moments of going through snapchat stories, he noticed an awful lot of their classmates were gathered in a street not more than five minutes from where they were sat now.

It probably wasn't much worth checking out, but he decided to give it a go since whatever they did would probably end up either traumatic or lacklustre anyway.

"Come on then, Indiana Jones. Let's go scare you away from trying to be sociable ever again." Hoseok teased with a ruffle of Jeongguk's hair, helping him stand up so that they could walk to their destination.

Jeongguk didn't ask any questions on the way there. He didn't even think it was necessary until he began to hear a plethora of noise from people who looked and sounded around his own age. They were all gathered in a crowd, some chanting things he couldn't make out and some simply laughing or filling in gaps with rowdy chatter.

It was way too loud.

"W-Why is everyone here?" Jeongguk asked timidly, eyes darting around as they passed a few people to try and get to the middle of where everyone was gathering. "What are they looking at?"

Hoseok only shrugged, unsure of the answer himself because he didn't bother to check anyone's replies or read captions to find out. Jeongguk was slightly unsettled by that response, but he took a deep breath as they continued to traverse the crowd.

"Back the fuck off!" Jeongguk's eyes widened as he heard someone yell rather aggressively at someone in the centre, two more people moving in front of him to reveal the main spectacle.

One boy was pinned to the ground, blood streaming from his nose and possibly somewhere around his head, his eye badly bruised and swollen as they opened and closed hazily. He looked as though he was struggling to stay conscious and it was quite alarming for Jeongguk to see.

He'd never known anything like it before.

He covered his mouth to suppress a gasp as he backed into Hoseok, watching as the other male who was being made to stand up spat some of his own blood onto the ground and then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Fucking get off of me, Namjoon. I can get up by myself." The boy hissed.

As soon as he turned around to face the crowd, Jeongguk recognised him to be none other than Kim Taehyung, the boy that had just spread Park Jimin's nudes around the school for no reason at all and in turn made him drop out at the most crucial point of the semester.

Jeongguk thought that Taehyung was quite disgusting. More so now that he'd seen him like this.

Apparently Taehyung didn't care to know that, though, because as soon as his eyes met Jeongguk's, he shot him a wink that just about stopped his heart, like he thought what he'd done should impress Jeongguk.

The boy made the world seem to progress in slow motion as he looked him up and down, pearly white teeth biting at his lower lip before he leant in and whispered to one of the boys Jeongguk had seen him hanging around with at school with quite often. And even though there was no speech directed to him, Taehyung's eyes stayed trained on Jeongguk, letting him know that he was the topic.

Jeongguk himself was still quite shocked, unsure how got react in such an unfamiliar situation. He kind of just stayed dead still, hoping Hoseok would drag him away from the scene so he could maybe catch his breath, instead, though, Hoseok was pulled from his side by the same boy Taehyung had whispered to.

This didn't feel good at all to Jeongguk who really wished he'd never asked Hoseok to take him somewhere different and instead just stayed where things were safe and predictable.

What was worse? He'd accidentally left his book at the base of the tree and now he'd lost Hoseok, too.

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