My name is Celestia. Today my sister, Luna, and I are crowned princesses of Equestria. I'm starting this journal so we can both write about our amazing adventures as princesses.
Well,I hope they are amazing. I don't actually know if they will be amazing. I'm assuming they will be amazing. But I guess I shouldn't assume they would be amazing because I've never been the princess of, pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies. Maybe they won't be amazing. Maybe I won't be amazing. Maybe I'm really rotten. What if I'm known as Celestia, the really rotten princess of Equestria?
Okay, Calm down, Celestia. You're freaking yourself out again. Take a deep breath. You're going to work hard like you always do. And as long as you work hard, you're going to be just fine. Okay. That's better.
- Celestia