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Scarface⚡️ - omg you will not believe what just happened!

Badassbitch💖 - what? Do I really want to know?

Scarface⚡️- uh no prob not never mind 😂 was just gonna tell you that I finish my hw on time lol

Badassbitch💖- oh yea i don't really care no offence lol

Scarface⚡️- ok wait I just walked by Malfoy and he didn't even say anything! How rude is that?!?!

Badassbitch💖- well maybe he was being nice? Idk that's kind weird what was he doing? Maybe he didn't notice you.

Scarface⚡️- maybe, he was on his phone it looked like he was texting someone.

Badassbitch💖- why are you so upset that he didn't notice you? I mean he's been trying to get your attention for years I mean he freakin climbed a damn tree just to look cool for you! 😂

Scarface⚡️ - Hmm I never thought about it like that has he really always tried to get my attention? I always just thought he was trying to annoy me and be a git.

Badassbitch💖- yes it's painfully obvious.

Scarface⚡️- Oh.

Badassbitch💖 - I can see you blushing do you like him?????

Scarface⚡️- your in the great hall 2?

Badassbitch💖- yess almost the whole bloody school is, but back to the question do youuuu likeeeeee himmmm?!?!

Scarface⚡️- promise you won't tell?

Badassbitch💖- I promise

Scarface⚡️ - ok well...

Scarface⚡️- I kinda like him I've liked him for a while now but no one knows not even Hermione and ron they don't even know I'm gay so plz don't tell I trust you.... even though I don't know who you are.

Badassbitch💖- OHHHHHH someone's gotta CRUSHHH!!!!!

Scarface⚡️- shut up 😳

Badassbitch💖 - your as red as a tomato! Hahah

Scarface⚡️- shut up!

Badassbitch💖 - ok ok 😂

Badassbitch💖 - but what about the She Weasle? I thought u 2 were a thing.

Scarface⚡️ - 🤢 ew no don't tell Ron or Hermione this but I absolutely hate her! She is so clingy, needy, braty, rude, and personally I think she's ugly sorry not sorry.

Badassbitch💖- woah, that was pretty salty of you, but I 100% agree with ya I don't understand why so many guys like her! 

Scarface⚡️ -lol ikr

Scarface⚡️ - I gotta go mione keeps asking who I'm talking to And it's driving me insane 🙂🔫

Badassbitch💖 - Bye 😂

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