Heart Of Inferno

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They told me it was for my own good, that doing this would help me,

I was tempted to tell them that they could all flip off and take their stupid help with them...

But I couldn't do that, Nora wouldn't approve and I would be punished...once again

They had gotten really livid when I refused to co-operate with their first and second attempt at doing this. I had returned the black silk and lace covered journal they had given me, at first I was touched that they had at least gotten me something pretty to brighten up this ugly cell I was stuck in, Nora had given me a long boring lecture when I had returned the journal the first with only a few words in it...

'HELLO MY NAME IS: in my file...

I DESCRIBE MYSELF AS: fucked up...

I DESCRIBE MY LIFE AS: fucked up...

I LIKE TO: burn shit…’

The second time there was no lecture, just agony

"This is your last chance Katara, if you don't co-operate now you will have to face the consequences, and this time around the commander will not be so lenient!" Nora had said at the end of her lecture ,her Hispanic accent making her words slightly harder to comprehend.

She told me to restate everything that happened from the beginning, in this journal is my full statement, the truth at long last, they will be ecstatic when they finally receive this...this being the story of my life.

I guess third time's the charm...

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